I’m still trying to figure out a way to get this worked out. Any takers?
Can you be more specific? Do you want to pull the latest comments from your wordpress site into your forums?
I meant I wanted to pull the latest replies for topics (bbpress, not wordpress) into my sidebar.
Can I get some help for this?
This would be a nice feature.
“bbPress Live” plugin used to do this before WordPress 2.8 broke it. It’s on my todo list to fix it.
As crackpixels said, he meant to have a list of “latest replies for topics.”
I hope we won’t be needing a WP install to make this plugin work.
Wait, just your latest posts in BB in your bb-sidebar?
You could port ’em in via RSS or make a function to call your database and pull in the latest posts.
Thanks for the reply, Ipstenu. Can you please explain what changes I’d need to make and what I would need to insert into my templates in order to pull the ‘comments’ RSS feed into my sidebar?
I’d be lazy and take something like Tom (db)’s WPNews and flip it around
For RSS, you can google around for solutions. I’m not sure there are any bb specific ones.
15 years, 5 months ago
Forgive me if this topic has been brought up before but I searched and couldn’t find anything.
What I would like is to have a section for “latest comments”. I would appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance.