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“Last Post” (not “Freshness”) displaying incorrectly — can I remove?

  • ginaginagina


    I tried to find something about removing “Last Post” which displays on the home page of my forum, but could only find posts related to “Freshness” — Freshness only shows up on my topics under each category, and I’ve already found a way to successfully remove these. The problem is, when people show up to the forum’s home page, they see “Last Post” which shows something that’s months old instead of the last time someone posted which might just be a few hours. I may be reading the “Last Post” thing incorrectly, but either way, it discourages people from interacting because they think no new activity is happening due to the date on the “Last Post” column.

    How do I either get it to display the “Freshness” (e.g. the last time someone posted a reply or topic in that category) OR — preferably, if possible — remove “Last Post” from the forum home page altogether?

    My forum is unfortunately private (members-only), so a URL won’t help, but attaching a screenshot of our forum’s home page to show the “Last Post” column we’d ideally like to get rid of.

    Last Post column

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  • Robin W


    put this is the custom css section of your theme

    .bbp-forum-freshness {
    display : none !important ;

    Robin W


    if you want a more technical solution, you need to have a child theme, and know how to ftp files.

    If so come back and I’ll tell you how to do it



    Yes! Holy smokes, thank you, Robin! That worked like a charm 🙂 I do have access to FTP and my child theme, but I’m happy with these results (unless it’s better that it’s in the files instead?).

    Is there any way to redistribute the content now along the full length of the row to take up the space of the missing column? I guess the column is still there, just has hidden content, so maybe this isn’t possible. Here’s what I mean:

    Redistribute content

    Robin W


    no need to edit files, you can do all that with css


    .bbp-forum-freshness {
    display : none !important ;
    width : 0px ;
    li.bbp-forum-reply-count, li.bbp-forum-topic-count, li.bbp-topic-reply-count, li.bbp-topic-voice-count {
    	width: 20%;
    li.bbp-forum-info, li.bbp-topic-title {
    	float: left;
    	text-align: left;
    	width: 55%;

    will fill the freshness space up.

    you can play with the percentages, above is 20% + 20% + 55%
    just make sure they don’t go over 95% total



    Thanks for this, Robin. I’ll play around with it; for some reason, it’s not changing anything at the moment when I insert the code above (none of the columns or titles in those columns shift) but I’m sure I can play with it a little to see what might be happening. 🙂

    Thank you so much for your help with solving the biggest issue! I am sure your fix will help our nonprofit encourage people to connect. So appreciated!

    Robin W


    I suspect the css on your browser is not clearing. Try shutting it down and opening up again.



    I cleared the browser cache and then shut it down completely, then restarted, but things are looking the same. 🤔

    Robin W


    the code should work – try form a PC/phone that has never accessed the site



    Hi Robin, sorry for the delay. I only had my phone available, but will try to find a PC as soon as I can. On my phone (which I hadn’t accessed to this site before) appears to also show that it’s not spanning the full width, though it’s harder to see since it’s a minimized viewport to begin with. 🙂

    Hopefully, you can see what I mean here, though?

    Width of forum

    Robin W


    ok, without site access all I can suggest is

    .bbp-forum-freshness {
    display : none !important ;
    width : 0px !important;
    li.bbp-forum-reply-count, li.bbp-forum-topic-count, li.bbp-topic-reply-count, li.bbp-topic-voice-count {
    	width: 20% !important;
    li.bbp-forum-info, li.bbp-topic-title {
    	float: left;
    	text-align: left;
    	width: 55% !important;



    Winner! Thanks, Robin — that little addition did the trick. It looks so much better now (years of wanting it to look like this!). That’s a massive improvement for us and hopefully our community, too. 🙂



    On my phone (which I hadn’t accessed to this site before) appears to also show that it’s not spanning the full width, though it’s harder to see since it’s a minimized viewport to begin with



    Hi, I tried to add the code snippet to my forum and as you can see on this page, the freshness is still appearing while it’s not on pc. Do you know how to fix this please ?

    Robin W


    link to your page please



    never mind I found by myself, thank you for your time !

    Robin W



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