Do you have access to your database? If yes, then create a new user which you want to be the admin. Then open your database through phpMyAdmin and open the database used in your bbPress install. A lot of tables would load in the left, click on the box like thing in the left of bb_users (or TABLEPREFIXusers), see the user you just created and note the ID in the left of it. Next, click the box in the left of bb_usermeta and then in the above part of right, click the SQL tab. In the textbox that appears, paste this:
SET meta_value
= ‘a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}’
WHERE user_id
= ‘%%USERID%%’ AND meta_key
= ‘bb_capabilities’`
Don’t forget to replace %%USERID%% with the id you noted down before.
@ Gautam …..Yes I’ve access to my database
what next?
Sorry, the correct command is:
UPDATE bb_usermeta SET meta_value = 'a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}' WHERE user_id = %%USERID%% AND meta_key = 'bb_capabilities' LIMIT 1
Replace %%USERID%% with user id
@ Gautam .. you are trying to confuse me :-s