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It is time to ask Seriously and Politely: What should we expect in future ?

  • @situationerdk


    It is time for THAT TALK. Do not reject it – but seriously engage in this discussion. The standard and very understandable answer of not commenting and so on – just doesnt cut it anymore.

    I want to ask politely and with full respect to the developers, what we as users of bbpress should expect in the future. Is there going to be development of bbPress so it becomes something useable as actual forum software with nodal, finegrained permissions and serious security and SPEED.

    Looking at TRAC, it is not reasonable to call this project under active development. So, to the devs I want to politely ask:

    Explain to me what to realistically expect, given the past development non-activity ? What should I expect ?


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  • @robin-w


    sorry, I’m just a humble user of the software, but given that this is free software the phrase ‘expect’ seems somewhat demanding – you should expect nothing, but be grateful for what other people do for free for you. Or maybe join in and help develop what you see as failings.

    ‘it becomes something useable as actual forum software’ is just plain insulting and not polite at all, just putting ‘polite’ in then header and the sentence before doesn’t excuse this, and if you don’t get a response, I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Maybe try starting again with a more friendly approach ?



    It is perhaps my bad english ? It was certainly meant to be polite. Sorry for that. Expectation is simply because planning needs it. No other things were implied.

    But maybe you could answer the question ?



    Or maybe it isnt time for that question. Just for the record. There was no arrogance of any kind involved.



    The underlying questions may be perfectly valid, since I am not clear about what you want I can’t say..

    I suggest you post a new topic, and rather than post vague what you don’t like suggest what is needed.

    On the speed front, the next release does have some plans to improve performance.

    On nodal, finegrained permissions , I presume you have seen

    so please detail what further fine graining you would like

    On ‘serious security’ again please specify what you see as needed, and what is lacking



    @JJJ Successfully reached his crowd funding goal which means starting in January, you’ll likely see more activity from him around these parts including BuddyPress and GlotPress.

    In terms of what’s on the roadmap for him to complete regarding bbPress, I don’t know.



    @Jeff – Thanks Jeff.

    – What I want is highlighted in the question with a blockquote. So it should be pretty obvious. I am sorry for not being more explicit in my demands – but it really wasnt my purpose to suggest on specific features – just something basic as core-developed and planned groups-functionality. The intention was to get an understanding on what to expect. A word from John James Jacoby himself – just saying for example “well in the near future things arent going to go faster than the previous years” – then I would know what to expect ….. Again I refer you to the developing roadmap. Its not exactly going fast. One of the features I was looking forward to having integrated was using bbpress for comments in wordpress. Or any kind of functional integration.

    However I did forget to put in group-based – along with the finegrained, nodal permissions. And yes, I am aware of the roles and capabilities. But thanks for that. And along with that I dont mean relying on a newly-developed plugin like bbpres private groups or installing buddypress. I meant having it default and taking into planning consideration. Speed is fairly obvious. Security is just a general concern, nothing really specific. But enough to keep me away from newly developed plugins.

    I am sorry for any thoughtlessness in formulating my intention – and again do not mean to be arrogant. But something concrete from the team behind would be nice. I am sorry for not being more specific about the groups-thing. But I am not being specific, because that is not the point. The point is highlighted in the quote.

    I can see now that it wasnt a well-formulated frustration. Wish I had made it better. So if someone could just delete it, it would be fine.



    Please delete this topic.



    There’s no reason to delete the topic as I think your stance and the way you worded your original post is justified considering the circumstances surrounding the project. No feelings were hurt in the creation of this thread 🙂



    @JJJ is on it, and I am looking forward to the future with a lot more confidence.



    i hope @jjj adds more bee puns somewhere

    it might not be something users want , but its something users NEED.

    jokes aside yeah like Robin said the next release does have some plans to improve performance.



    @Jeff – Ok, glad you received my oroginal post in the way it was to be understood. Just saw your post over here I see we are along the lines …..

    I could have written an article like that, but it would not have vented the frustration. I would love to be able to use bbPress and WordPress together. As it is now I dont think of bbPress as normal forum software – but conceptually I would be able to use it to replace the hopeless commenting system that is so weirdly OLD and outdated in wordpress. That way wordpress gets a lift and bbpress becomes the relatively simple software it is in its own right – as a nice facelift for wordpress commenting. Have they not noted the brilliant Disqus plugin ? It is really good – and why wordpress has not made these features native – perhaps not exactly like Disqus – but somewhere along those lines, I really cannot understand – is WordPress simply sleeping ? Users cant even edit their comments as a standard feature when commenting ? Why are they not on the forefront on this defining feature for a blogging system ?

    I will probably go with Xenforo and the Xenword addon. It will probably be an official addon sometime (see also the CTA Featured threads and Portal …. nice one by Brogan..). Or MyBB which is also awesome.



    But maybe the new P2 Breathe theme will take care of all my worries … ….




    most of the features users wanted in that survey can be achieved with some plugins listed here

    Feature Plugins Tracking

    attachments you would have to use gd-bbPress attachments
    quotes you can use bbPress direct quotes or gd-bbPress tools
    for using bbPress for WordPress comments you can use the bbPress topics for posts plugin

    if you just want users to be able to edit their comments use the simple comment editing plugin

    if you think bbPress needs specific features added to the core of the plugin make a new topic about that.



    @Robkk – thanks for that. But again …. I am talking about what we an expect in the future.

    I know all that. I also know that:
    1. These plugins are outdated .. not reliable .. not something to build on …
    2. After I have done that my site goes even slower.

    Quote: “if you think bbPress needs specific features added to the core of the plugin make a new topic about that.

    3. This topic is not about the specifics of that survey. I was just mentioning Jeffs post in relation to his comment..

    Again – what I am after is the initial blockquoted question about momentum and future expectations.

    But thanks.



    This will probably do the trick for me. This is developing very fast. Anspress. It is a Question & Answer-type-plugin. Can be used per post …. and is promising in terms of features and extensions.



    hi Jacob, first of all, P2Breathe is a boring theme, and all those functions are common to install to any bbpress forum.

    I would love to see a link to your slowed down website, just to have a look.

    I disagree with your initial statements about bbpress not being mature forum software, Vbulletin and IPBoard are both main competitors, but bloated and full of extra functions most forums do not use/need, slowing them down just as much as some plugins can do to bbpress.

    BBPress does exactly what they do, and perhaps even more thanks to the wordpress platform and the 1000’s of people on forums developing more every day, ofcourse most plugins are crap (sorry dev’s) just like anything that comes mass produced, but following tips and hints from other users should guide you through the swamp to find the real gems there are available.

    For me BBPress is becoming more and more the forum choice by default.

    And you mentioned Disquss, so no need to have bbpress concentrate on comments for wordpress since there is already a very good alternative.

    Peter Hamilton



    Hahaha tags “sleeping pill store” tag should be a signal that someone is asleep at the tiller. Really folks, this place is asleep, and all Robin W. does is state that it is free software and you should be durned grateful, and not try and wake anybody up.

    Development is tediously slow, regardless of some $50k that was raised a few years ago. 2.6 should supposedly fix the issue with not being able to replace posts with forum discussions. Surely that is also why the plugin that actual does that hasn’t been updated in two years. And 2.6 was 4 months late in May 2014. So when will it ever be released?

    This is simply too long! Obviously this project is coasting on the coattails of integration (and requirement of use) in BuddyPress and that it is an anointed project of Anything less would have near zero users already.

    So much functionality is needed to be reasonable. There appears to be a single active developer committing to the code:

    But really, this was a complaint over a year and a half ago, and it ain’t changed. Very sad as the potential is quite big. How else do you explain 16,000+ downloads of that plugin that has been abandoned:



    Just registered few minutes ago and I found this discussion…

    Is BBPress still actively under development?



    if everything is planned there will be great future in bbpress...



    I think we should wait and see what bbPress has for us…



    I was told that 2.6 will be out very very soon but from what I see it’s still in alpha stage



    Bumping this as the sentiment in the original post about the lack of progress with maintaining bbbpress as an active project seems to be even more relevant now than when this topic was made.

    While somehow indicates the bbpress plugin was last updated a week ago, the current version 2.5.14 was released in September 2017.

    The next release as far as I can tell is 2.60, for which the latest development version, rc5, was first put out for feedback 13 months ago.

    it is not reasonable to call this project under active development.

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