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issues with moving large forum from vbulletin to bbpress

  • @donta


    I like bbpress but I am desperately trying to make it work for moving a large forum from vbulletin.

    I tried to move my forum several times and everytime I move users, topics and some replies, I notice that users and some of their true replies are out of sync. In other words, some user are assigned to topics they didn’t start or reply to and other topics are assigned to admin. No, I didn’t wait for 1 million replies to be downloaded. I checked the first 350,000K replies and everything seems to be a mess.

    1. Users are not in sync with their topics and replies. Some topics with no replies downloaded yet are in ok, but many are not. Some topics are assigned to users who never posted anything, some are assigned to admin and the rest are assigned to their owners.
    2. At somewhere at 350,000 posts, the whole process slows down (10 posts per 20 seconds or worse) to turtle speed.
    3. I repaired whatever I downloaded using the bbpress repair page and I don’t see anything fixed.

    I am not sure what is causing this. Is this normal?

    I need help. I can give links and login info to bbpress staff if required.

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  • @netweb


    1. Users are not in sync with their topics and replies. Some topics with no replies downloaded yet are in ok, but many are not. Some topics are assigned to users who never posted anything, some are assigned to admin and the rest are assigned to their owners.

    Until the repair tools are run after the import you will pretty much always see issues like this, the tools need to be run to get everything in sync.

    2. At somewhere at 350,000 posts, the whole process slows down (10 posts per 20 seconds or worse) to turtle speed.

    This can be your web host limiting the amount of SQL queries you can run per hour/day etc, contact your web host and ask them what limitations are on your hosting plan.

    3. I repaired whatever I downloaded using the bbpress repair page and I don’t see anything fixed.

    Odd, though it makes my first answer moot, but it is still important in that the execution order of the importer can significantly make these things look weird when it has imported a topic and expects there to be 12 replies but only sees 3.

    So for now, kind of ignore my answers to 1 & 3 above and lets start on what version of vBulletin are you trying to import from? (and we can go from there)



    hello Stephen.

    i am running version 4.1.5

    as for the sql limitation, i have own dedicated server so if I can get this corrected if you point me the right direction. I have never done this before.

    the problem is still the same. I am now on 280K posts and all the topics are either assigned to wrong person, anonymous or its owners. once again The process came to a slow transfer once I reached the high treshold.



    I also forgot to add the “freshness” time is also out of sync on some pages.



    Stephen, I was able to convert from phpbb to bbpress and that was really smooth sailing, but now all my migrated usernames’ passwords don’t work. Ironically, for the earlier vbulletin conversion, the passwords were working fine but the threads and usernames were out of sync.

    Now, the thread/posts/username relationship is fine, but all my passwords don’t work. I am not sure what the issue is. Hopefully you can direct me in the right direction to get this minor issue resolved.



    I’d suggest looking up how phpBB deals with imported vBulletin user passwords, some importers convert the password after the fact, so until userxyz logs into phpBB the password isn’t converted to the phpBB forums format.



    Also I have only tested the vBulletin importer with importing from vBulletin v4.2 so there might be a few changes in the database structure between 4.1x & 4.2x but as I can’t get my hands on vBulletin 4.15 I cannot confirm this.

    If you are comfortable in phpMyAdmin and you could export half a dozen rows from each of the ‘forum’, ‘thread’, ‘post’, ‘tagcontent’, ‘tag’ & ‘user’ tables I could have a closer look at why this isn’t working for you.



    Stephen, no luck so far. It seems the problem is with the usermeta data.

    Not sure why phpbb to bbpress has issues with passwords. I am able to login to phpbb board seamlessly but the migration is not importing useful passwords.

    I can give you access to my cpanel for a closer look the tables you requested. How do I contact you.



    I said:

    If you are comfortable in phpMyAdmin and you could export half a dozen rows from each of the ‘forum’, ‘thread’, ‘post’, ‘tagcontent’, ‘tag’ & ‘user’ tables I could have a closer look at why this isn’t working for you.

    So if you can export some sample data add the exports to a .zip file and link to it here I will take a look.



    Stephen, due to privacy, I wish not put any piece of data here.

    Is there another way of getting that info to you?



    You could just make the data anonymous, if there is username, emails etc after your export just normalize the data,

    Eg. Username: Donta -> user1
    Email ->

    The same for IP addresses, topic title, or any other data you can just change this ‘recognizable’ data to some generic text, the sql you export will be in plain text so you can edit this in any text editor.

    The key information needed is:

    * 3-5 rows from the forum table
    * 3-5 rows from the thread table that are listed in the above forums sql
    * 10-15 rows from the post table that show replies from the above topics sql
    * 1-3 rows from the user table that shows users from the above topics & replies sql



    upgraded from vb 4.1.5 to 4.2.2. so far the import was going great until i got this error.

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/admin/public_html/…/wp-db.php on line 1001

    I tried to allocate more memory (2000M) at php.ini and I am still facing such problem.



    I even tried to put define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘2048M’);
    define(‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘2048M’); in wp-config.php file.



    Any solution for below issue? I have same issue please help

    1. Users are not in sync with their topics and replies. Some topics with no replies downloaded yet are in ok, but many are not. Some topics are assigned to users who never posted anything, some are assigned to admin and the rest are assigned to their owners.



    thanks for your reply on that feature

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