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Is there an Approve Registration plugin?

  • @dld


    Is there a plugin that forces new user registrations to be approved by the keymaster?

    I’d like to be able to limit membership (and thus posting) to a specific group of people but still allow non-members to view all of the posts.

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  • @trent


    There has yet to be a user registration approval plugin and hopefully there is one soon! In the meantime, some users have been using the admin create user plugin so that they can turn off registration and only have the admin create users through the admin. This is the only thing even close right now!




    How can I turn off user registration?



    You cannot click a checkbox that says “turn off registration”, but you can do it indirectly through the following steps by editing your theme files. If you have the default template, please upload the changed files to a new folder off the root of /my-templates/

    1) Remove the following file out of your root directory, register.php.

    2) Edit your template file login-form.php and remove the following:

    <p><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Register</a> or log in'), bb_get_option('uri').'register.php') ?>:</p>

    3) Put something like the following in register.php from your template folder:

    <?php bb_get_header(); ?>

    <h3 class="bbcrumb"><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a> &raquo; <?php _e('Register'); ?></h3>

    <h2 id="register"><?php _e('Registration Turned Off, Sorry!'); ?></h2>

    <?php bb_get_footer(); ?>

    Unless I am missing something, that should do it!




    Is there a plugin that forces new user registrations to be approved by the keymaster?

    I’m interested in this feature too. (Hint hint) :D



    The LDAP Authentication plugin has a checkbox which is used to disable the registration page.

    It gives an LDAP related error message when the page is accessed though.

    You could copy the appropriate bits out of the plugin and make a new one.



    I followed the instructions to change the template and delete the register.php file in the root but get the following error message which doesn’t look very good even if it works:

    URL /register.php was not found on this server.

    Which file does one edit to get rid of the Register option?



    I just had a series of bogus users register to my small, friends-only forum. I would LOVE to see a plugin that allows me to approve users. :)



    What if the email confirmations were sent to an admin email instead of the email that they used to register with, then you forwarded it to their email if it’s real or just trash it if it’s not? That seems like it would be a simple plugin or modification.






    is somebody working on this plugin ?



    Please don’t bump these things. It’s incredibly pointless. Any interested people would probably have seen it by now, could easily find it and it gets in the way of more interesting or useful things.

    If someone is working on it, let them announce it in their own time. They’re quite capable of doing so, if they exist.



    It is bad form to bump any thread in the forum for those exact reasons.




    Sorry guys. Didn’t realize that was frowned upon.



    I don’t know how to write plug-ins, but I just installed bbPress and wanted to be able to approve new users. I messed around with the code just enough to get what I needed working, here are the changes I made:

    Starting with the function bb_send_pass function in bb-includes/registration-functions.php: I added an optional third parameters, so the function signature now looks like:

    function bb_send_pass( $user, $pass, $toAdmin = false ) {

    If the toAdmin flag is set I want this email to go to me, not the requesting user. So, just above the “$message = …” line, I added this:

    $recipient = bb_get_user_email( $user->ID );

    $rawRecipient = $recipient;

    if ($toAdmin)

    $recipient = '';

    I’m sure there is a better way to grab an administrator’s email, but like I said, I don’t know anything about bbPress… And what’s this about $rawRecipient? To make my life easier, I’m also including the email address in the email’s body (so I can forward it to the correct person without having to look up their info again). I did this by adding “Your email:” to the “$message = …” line:

    $message = __("Your username is: %1$s nYour password is: %2$s nYour email is: %4$s nYou can now log in: %3

    $s nnEnjoy!");

    And then including “$rawRecipient” as the 4th parameter to the sprintf call at the end of the function. Again, you could get fancy here (only include the email address if it’s going to an admin, for example), but whatever, this works. :)

    Okay, with that function done, we just need to change the registration code that calls it. I went to the bb_new_user function in bb-includes/pluggable.php. Just before that function returns there’s an “if ( defined (‘BB_INSTALLING’) )” check. The else case calls bb_send_pass (the function we just changed). Add a third parameter (sending ‘true’), and the registration code should now send an email to you instead of the newly registered user.

    As a final touch, I updated the registration success page (bb-templates/kakumei/register-success.php in my case), telling the user that an admin will verify their request and then email them.

    Hope this helps someone out.



    Be careful with modifying code files unless you’re familiar with SVN, you’re going to have troubles upgrading. :/




    i was wondering if someone made an plugin by now ? I’m really surprised that there isn’t one so far!

    thanks! claude



    If you are just trying to filter out spam bots, try my Human Test:

    Someone would have to explain the need for registration approval to me before I would bother making such a plugin.



    I for one would appreciate the possibility for registration approval. I’m currently involved in a zero budget project to launch a forum on a sports related website that runs WordPress as CMS, and registration approval seems to become the last thing we need to solve before choosing bbPress (over Vanilla.) In this scenario, a registration approval plugin for bbPress would naturally be very handy. (I don’t think we have skills to make our own plugin.)

    For what the approval thing is needed, then? For example, Vanilla discussion forum uses registration approval in a way we would appreciate to copy for our project. The idea of people not registering an account but applying for one would suit our project really well. “Why do you want to join this forum?” is a question we would like people to answer before letting them post anything.

    A Finnish online magazine covering ice hockey,, has a forum that has grown into a lively discussion community for over 13,000 registered users without losing its, well, usefulness. It’s not only because of strict moderation of discussions, they require their users to apply for registration as well. Given that the topic is ice hockey (you know, that game with all the tackling and fighting and strong emotions) and most forum users are hockey fans (“We want blood!”) and male (“We want blood!”), we consider that a great role model for this forum project of ours, even though we don’t expect our forum to become as popular (and we are not about ice hockey.)

    (In what comes to our project, we might still decide to NOT having approval for registration. There are advantages in also not having that, of course.)



    I would also be very much interested in a “approve registration” plugin. I am building a forum for in-house use only so want to make sure that only staff sign up to use our forums :)



    Sounds like you need authorization before accessing the board, rather than leaving the board open to anyone who happens to run across it. If it’s publicly accessible, you might want to do something like require authorization to even load the board. You don’t want staff waiting for you to approve their registration and you don’t want people accessing the board if it’s not for their eyes.

    If you’re on an Apache web server, you want to look up “basic auth”, .htpasswd and .htaccess if you want to do this.



    hm. i’d also like to have such a function… perhaps anyone will code it some time. i don’t think it’s that complicated.. :/



    Perhaps we can pool some cash together and pay somebody to write it?



    i have created the plugin.. people willing to test the plugin out for me please mail me.. aditya at adityanaik point com.

    oh by the way if any one wants to pay me.. by all means :)




    hi my server does not have a smtp server is there anyone here who do have something for this? Maybe a plugin where the password can be shown after the registration is made


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