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Internet Explorer problem

  • @sureshdrim


    Hello All,

    I have encountered a new error with my forum.When I open my forum in IE8,all the content gets squeezed to left or right,while it works perfectly in Google Chrome.Plz someone help..

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    “plz” give us some more information.

    What version of bbPress?

    What theme are you using?

    What error?

    Does all content get sqeezed to the left or the right?

    Do you have any screenshots?

    etc. etc.

    Lets pretend that we are not mind readers so we can help you…



    actually a url is more helpful for this than screenshots… So can we also have a link to your site please.





    If that’s it, it’s always good to start by making sure the code is valid. My guess is there is a closing div missing or otherwise invalid code.



    Ok found the reason why.

    This site works best in Google Chrome.

    <div id="container">

    <title>theCollegehunt-Best colleges,Best coaching classes,Career guidance,Examinations,Examination papers,College romance,College dating</title>

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">

    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">



    Basically you need to remove

    <div id="container">

    <title>theCollegehunt-Best colleges,Best coaching classes,Career guidance,Examinations,Examination papers,College romance,College dating</title>

    and the bottom DIV



    </div> <




    Backticks and did not work for formatting Kevin's post. I tried to fix it. Really I did.

    Basically, remove the top three lines of the file (header.php?), and the last line (footer.php?).



    Of course in my post worked fine. Argh. See it working above?

    [code] in my post worked fine. Argh. See it working above?



    Maybe Code just doesn’t like me ;-)

    Thanks for trying to fix this Chris



    Thanks a lot Kevin and Chris..

    As mentioned by Kevin above,if I remove the top and bottom code it works fine.But the problem lies with the SEO.By removing these lines,the title mentioned in header.php file will be applied to front-page.php which will be common for all pages.For better SEO title and description of each page needs to be different.

    I tried to put title tag value in header.php as <?php forum_name()?> – <?php bb_title()?> which works really great for topic pages but not the front-page.For front page,title tag value will have just the name of website,this will definitely affect Search Engine Ranking (I think so) as compared to title mentioned above.

    I hope you are getting what I am trying to say.

    Anyways without changing code,pages are properly displayed in IE just by refreshing it.



    Nah, you’re way off base mate.

    Your code wasn’t able to be read or validated by a parser, and had 2 Document declarations in it, so instantly it would have affected it’s SEO.

    Also a container DIV called Title outside of the HTML acts against your SEO rather than for it, as it’s considered word overloading – something frowned upon by Search Engines for the last 10 years (thats if any search engine read it, given that it was outwith the HTML).

    Just stick within the rules of web development and you’ll be fine :)



    Hello kevinjohngallagher..

    I have done the necessary changes..please have a look and let me know if still something is wrong..plz plz do it for me.

    But still I feel the index.php page and extra pages like

    doesn’t have a good/descriptive title tag,keyword meta tag and description meta tag.Do you think it won’t affect much on SEO.



    plz plz do it for me

    Please please please feel free to contact me on my website for paid consultant work.



    @ kevinjohngallagher Definitely..I will consult you if I come across any major issue which I am not able to solve.

    Thank you for this help.

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