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Integration WP + BBPress + Gallery2

  • @martenk


    I am working on a site where I’m integrating wp, bbpress and Gallery2. The integration between WP and BBPress is seamless (WP 2.7 and BBPress 1.0 Alpha6) as is the integration between WordPress and Gallery2. The problem is that when people register in BBPress they can’t access Gallery2…

    Does anyone have a solution for this? Can bbpress be forced to call the wordpress registration-script instead of the normal bbpress registration script when registering. I wan’t the extra bells and whistles the bb-press installation allows for through plugins so rerouting and forcing users to register through the wp interface doesn’t really appeal to me…

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  • @martenk


    Apparently the problem isn’t really the registration method but rather the password encryption.

    It seems the md5-insecurity plugin doesn’t work with BBPress 1.0? Does anyone have a fix for that?



    Apparently md5 hash isn’t correct either. What I need is to make the bbpress password-hash into the WordPress 2.5 standard.

    I.e. how to make bbpress 1.0 WordPress 2.4 (Pre 2.5) compatible?



    You don’t.

    WP of 2.5 means you use BB .9 so I assume 2.4 is the same. They changed a lot between 2.5 and 2.7 with logins.




    Did a workaround which seems to work for every 5th new member. (How can that even be possible?) Using the md5-plugin (uh oh) for bb-press and rerouting all logins through WordPress login system. This means users don’t get gallery access upon registration but rather the first time they log in…. which makes no difference in reality…

    But then again, it only works for every fifth user… or something like that… randomish. The alternative would be to bypass validation in Gallery2 and just copy the user info regardless. But that’s a lot of work…

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