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Integrating bbPress with the Warp7 framework

  • @hazedesigns


    Hi everyone

    I am having a lot of trouble getting bbPress to work with my WordPress site that is using the Warp7 framework from yootheme.

    Some views work fine, like the main forum view, adding topics and replies but there are some that don’t give any content back like when you click on an author’s name, and others that look a bit messed up like when you look at the list of all forums.

    The site is live but this page is not in the menus yet, feel free to have a look if that helps:

    I know that the Warp7 framework does things in a bit of a non-traditional way, but I am hoping that someone can help me get these two to play nicely together!

    Thanks in advance

    Haze Designs

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  • @robkk


    i think that these two plugins should help you.

    check both out

    bbpress wp4 fix2

    bbpress wp4 fix



    Thanks Robkk, I will have a look and let you know how it goes!

    Really appreciate the response, I get NOTHING from yootheme which is a bit sad 🙁



    No Luck with those plugins but thanks anyway Robkk. I have those installed and active on the site just incase they help as well but there are still problems with the main forums list page ( and the user info display page ( and I think the problem is to do with the non-traditional approach the warp7 framework has to templating.

    The correct template files appear to be called but the loop inside them isn’t working or something like that….

    I will keep working away to look for solutions and hope that yootheme will come to the party!

    Thanks all




    Really appreciate the response, I get NOTHING from yootheme which is a bit sad 🙁

    yeah ive seen quite a couple people not get support on their end for this common issue.

    i had a user with the similar issue say that the first wp fix resolved the issue they had with the warp7 framework.

    for now you can install this plugin and find the file your forums are using for bbPress.

    then maybe copy that into a child theme and rename it to bbpress.php from it and remove any unwanted code.

    this guide will help hopefully

    you can also create an admin account for me so i can check out your theme files and see how to fix this. send the login details to my email.



    Thanks Robkk, I will have a look at that what-the-file plugin and a look at the codex documentation and see what I can find. I’m really stretching my skills here so it’s interesting and informative but not always making much progress!

    I have traced some of the files involved in the page displays with warp7, it is pretty complex and convoluted! Basically so far I have it mapped out a bit like this:

    request > index.php (calls ‘warp’ system) > template.php (loads in the widget positions etc including calling for the content) > filtering to decide what kind of content ‘content’ is (ie page, archive etc) ##### AT THIS POINT BBPRESS TAKES OVER AND STARTS MAKING THE SPECIAL BBPRESS CONTENT #####

    > if still with warp, goes into styles > layouts > individual override templates

    > if now in bbPress goes into bbPress.php then to the bbPress template files, but somewhere here some of it gets lost!

    I could of course be completely wrong, I have never dissected a theme this thoroughly, let alone something of the complexity of the warp framework!

    Thanks for the offer of inspecting the theme for me, that would be great! As the website is live I can’t provide access to that site but I’ll get a version up and running elsewhere and not live and I’ll send you admin details. Hopefully there is a fairly simple solution that can be shared with others who are suffering this problem! Up until this hurdle I had nothing but love for the warp7 framework, now there is a bit of a cloud over it in my mind if it is indeed responsible for these issues. Whizz-bang features are great but not at the expense of overall integration with existing plugins etc!

    I will be in touch with login details!



    1st finding:

    what-the-file just has ‘index.php’ for every page in the site, so it is just picking up the first step. oh well, I will keep digging!!



    2nd finding:

    The answer was in the codex!

    This page explains the way to make copies of the files from the plugin directory into the theme directory and/or subdirectories in the theme directory for the purpose of customising those templates. Turns out that the only problem was that warp7 couldn’t find them in their default location within the plugin folder, so simply copying the /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress folder into the /wp-content/themes/my-theme/ folder and then copying the files from /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/extras/ into the /wp-content/themes/my-theme/ folder seems to have rectified all issues! Yet to test completely but this is looking good – I was praying for an easy fix! Thanks so much to Robkk for pointing me in the right direction!



    yep that warp framework is pretty complicated.

    i see that throwing all the files fixed your issue, if this fixed it 100% go on any topic that talks about bbPress compatibility issues and post your resolution so that it will help others.



    Thanks Robkk I will get onto posting that info so that others can learn from my learning!



    alright just remember to keep it on the yoothemes support forum on topics where there are users having similar issues like you with theme compatibility with bbPress.

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