Integrated with BuddyPress 1.5 and loving it! (via
Our site (a ranting community) is using the latest bbPress 2.0-RC3, and it’s working awesomely with BuddyPress 1.5!
(When updating the plugin, don’t forget to visit the WP permalinks and resave them, else links to forums may not work.) I love how every time someone posts a reply or new topic, it shows up on their profile and on the Activity Stream – it’s so awesome! Keep up the good work guys!!!
Nice to hear that!
May I ask how this is achieved. No matter what I have tried:
I don’t get forum posts of bbPress shown in Activity Stream of BuddyPress. Can anyone clear me up please?
This is the only problem I have…
I am exactly in the same situation. You can check in I am using bbPress 2.0 and I can get buddypress to integrate. Is bbPress 2.0 suppous to interact with BuddyPress 1.5 already? or just not conflict?
Thank you.
If I look over at then he has definitely a working buddypress activity stream that shows all bbpress actions! So there must be a way to achieve this!
He’s using the beta/RC versions of both. Pretty well too with very little modification.
Nice work!
I am also using the beta/RC of both! That Means bbpress 2.0RC3 and Buddypress 1.5 beta2. In addition I am also up2date with latest changes by using latest branch / trunk of both via
As stated earlier I have no problems at all with the combo of both. The only thing that doesn’t work is the fact that any bbpress forum post / topic / reply won’t appear in the buddypress activity stream.
So how did InterMike of got this done? Any hint?
Yeahp, no modifications to the forum or BuddyPress, just using the latest beta/RC versions of both. BuddyPress integration was built-in with bbPress RC2 ( Should be working for ya. What’s your site?
When you’re on the Activity Stream, at the top, make sure that where it says “Show: Everything.” Maybe that’s why it’s not showing for ya.
No unfortunately even with RC2 I didn’t get that activity stream working!
This is my setup:
Install WP 3.2.1
Install bbPress (first RC2 then RC3 now latest from
Install Buddypress (first beta1 then beta2 now latest from trac…)
Disable Discussion forums in Buddypress
With this setup I can’t see any bbPress related stuff in Buddypress activity. I have no other problems with this setup & combo! Am I doing something wrong?
What’s you site?
unfortunately it’s password protected. but i send over a pm to you at with the access details
As suggested by InterMike I set up a new fresh combo of both with clean databses on localhost via XAMPP to identify the problem! Guess what? I am still stuck!
bbPress related stuff won’t show in buddypress activity stream.
So either me is an idiot
or I have some problems in understanding the setup for getting it to work. It’s stated that this should work since bbPress RC2 but didn’t work for me til now.
Here’s my setup again:
Install WP 3.2.1
Install bbPress RC2
Install BuddyPress 1.5 Beta2
Disable Discussion Forums in BuddyPress on Installation Wizard
Tried so many things and switched installation orders of bbPress / BuddyPress but that still won’t work. So anyone of the people having the bbPress related stuff working / showing in BuddyPress activitiy stream please show me the way on how to get it working, too.
BuddyPress 1.5 asks if you’d like to point to an existing stand-alone bbPress install. Should I point it at the bbPress 2.0 install, or disable forums via BuddyPress as suggested above?
And I’m assuming you’d want to turn on the BuddyPress component of: “Site Tracking: Make BuddyPress aware of new posts and new comments from your site.”
bbPress posts are basically WordPress posts (using custom post types). I’m assuming this Site Tracking feature is how bbPress posts show up in the BuddyPress activity stream.
@enderandrew: Thank you really much for this tip! It is working now and I am happy!
I have the same question as @enderandrew – do you choose to point the Buddypress install at the bbpress plugin? I was not able to locate a bb-config.php within the bbpress 2.0 plugin.
Apparently not. It seems you’re supposed to turn off Buddypress Forum functionality, and bbPress will integrate itself with Buddypress.
It would be nice to see some 2.0 documentation.
I am really liking 2.0 so far.
Yeah I tried this exact thing today to no avail… is there a theme that will accommodate both? Using bbpress with its twentyten theme and the BP theme update plugin, nothing! All BP links redirect to the home page. If I use BP’s default theme, no forum data shows up whatsoever.
What steps did you take?
I promise if you are using BuddyPress 1.5 and bbPress 2.0 in an unmodified, vanilla installation, they work seamlessly together once you decide which forum setup to use. You can even use both of them, like I have setup at, provided you change the bbPress 2.0 slugs in Admin > Settings > Forums.
If you need support for your site specifically, please make your own topic so you do not pollute other peoples conversations with your questions.
I’ve done a vanilla installation of BP 1.5 and bbpress RC4.
How can I add a forum to a group, so that it is only visible to group members.
Do you have any tips for adding the forum to the group menu?
Is there any way, or will there be a way in the future to have a bbPress 2.x forum/sub-forum only accessible to a certain BuddyPress group?
As you stated above, you can currently use the BuddyPress 1.5 forum functionality side-by-side with bbPress 2.0 forum functionality, but that presents an inconsistent experience to users.
I prefer the functionality of bbPress 2.0, and the unified forum view, but I’d like to have private forums for certain groups.
Individual group forums is coming in the future.
There will be a way.
You’ll all way off topic!
And forums/subforums in groups would. be. absolutely. awesome.
Outstanding, thanks!
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