Wow, i think you just nailed one of my niggling issues with the install.
Well done and thanks.
FYI, the roles don’t always match up right until the user logs in to both sides of the game.
If I create an ID in bbPress, I have a WP role of ‘None’. When I subsequently login to WP, my role is flipped to whatever the default is. Done. Vice versa for bbPress.
There should be a user-sync tool that does this without asking people to login twice, since the idea is to fully integrate them together seamlessly.
I’ve logged into both sides with a test account and still run into this problem. It seems that integrating with WordPress interferes with some capabilities. Like, when viewing a topic logged in as Key Master, I can see the IP addresses of people that post, and I have the link to add that topic to my favorites, but I cannot post a reply, I cannot edit the tags, and I cannot see any other admin functions; all of their capabilities return no value.
I haven’t given up yet! hah!
This is a interesting post.
Im currently running WP 2.5.1 and bbPress 0.9.2, and Im getting slightly worried on falling behind on WordPress upgrades. I think this the most success someones had with WP 2.7 and bbPress.
Im sure I’ve seen a WP 2.6.3 and bbPress 1.0.2 installation and it didn’t like it at all, sent out a redirect loop.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much for sharing this experience and your knowledge,
at this point I have to take advantage (lol)
with a simple question:
given I (eventually) do not need to have registered users to let them post (as in WP ,it’s all ‘open’ ) ,and my only needs is to automatically import from WP to bbpress the posted articles (it’s like a mag) ,any chanches to ‘automate’ this quickly with the 2.7 and the 1.x ?
@lorenzo: Let me ask a question to clarify. If I understand correctly, it sounds like you want to import your blog posts from WordPress and make them topic posts in bbPress?
@everyone: I am dedicating this evening to trying to work out where the process is failing. Right now, if you do NOT need to use ANY of the WordPress functions in your bbPress theme, the integration works perfectly. Logging in and out of either/or works perfectly with wp2.7 and bbp1.0a2. If you skip step 5 in my above process, there are no operational issues, only theme integration issues by not being able to use the WordPress functions.
absolutely right,that is pure and simple:
@lorenzo: I’m not exactly sure if there is a modification to do that or not. It seems like it would be an easy enough process with a plug-in of some kind, but that isn’t the point of integration so unfortunately I have little experience with it.
@johnjamesjacoby: no worryes, I apreciate your effort for the community, and the attention you gave me.
@Ipstenu : You light up my day (well almost a month..already)
bthw bbsync have many issue in the 2.7+1.x ,but a new look afresh maybe will do
thankyou both very much
Admittedly, I couldn’t get BBPress-Live to work (I wanted to include recent forum posts on my WP front page), but I figured it may be worth a shot
Good luck!
It seems like there are several issues here, and I’m not sure which is really the issue or which is a bug…
Firstly, when integrated, bbPress wants to use the WordPress classes and functions where possible. Namely, the problem with capabilities lies currently with the difference in the WP_User->has_cap
On the WordPress side of it, it is missing the global $wp_roles;
and the corresponding check of those roles against the current capability to check.
$caps = call_user_func_array( array(&$wp_roles, 'map_meta_cap'), $args );
So I’m not sure if this is just a case of bbPress not keeping up with the WordPress user/role classes, or if this is WordPress not properly carrying over bbPress capabilities.
Short term, I was able to make this work by modifying 1 core WordPress file. This only allows for integration of the theme, but still does not allow access to the bbPress admin panel without changing the bb-config.php
file back to original.
It’s essentially a quick fix to get the theme working with all capabilities playing nicely.
Basically I’m hard-coding the capability check from bbPress into WordPress. There should be a filter for this, but I’m not sure how to hook into it correctly without a mod or plug-in on the WordPress side.
~My fix is in no way a permanent solution. Auto-updating your WordPress installation will overwrite this fix.~
In FILE wp-includes/capabilities.php
In the meta_map_cap
Around Line 906:
AFTER break;
BEFORE default
case 'write_post':
$caps[] = 'write_posts';
case 'edit_post':
// edit_posts, edit_others_posts, edit_deleted, edit_closed, ignore_edit_lock
if ( !$bb_post = bb_get_post( $args[0] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( $user_id == $bb_post->poster_id )
$caps[] = 'edit_posts';
$caps[] = 'edit_others_posts';
if ( $bb_post->post_status == '1' )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
if ( !topic_is_open( $bb_post->topic_id ) )
$caps[] = 'edit_closed';
$post_time = bb_gmtstrtotime( $bb_post->post_time );
$curr_time = time() + 1;
$edit_lock = bb_get_option( 'edit_lock' );
if ( $edit_lock >= 0 && $curr_time - $post_time > $edit_lock * 60 )
$caps[] = 'ignore_edit_lock';
case 'delete_post' :
// edit_deleted, delete_posts
if ( !$bb_post = bb_get_post( $args[0] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( 0 != $bb_post->post_status )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
case 'manage_posts' : // back compat
$caps[] = 'delete_posts';
case 'write_topic':
$caps[] = 'write_topics';
case 'edit_topic':
// edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_topics, edit_others_topics
if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( !topic_is_open( $args[0]) )
$caps[] = 'edit_closed';
if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
if ( $user_id == $topic->topic_poster )
$caps[] = 'edit_topics';
$caps[] = 'edit_others_topics';
case 'move_topic' :
$caps[] = 'move_topics';
case 'stick_topic' :
$caps[] = 'stick_topics';
case 'close_topic' :
$caps[] = 'close_topics';
case 'delete_topic' :
$caps[] = 'delete_topics';
add_filter( 'get_topic_where', 'no_where', 9999 );
if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( 0 != $topic->topic_status )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
remove_filter( 'get_topic_where', 'no_where', 9999 );
case 'manage_topics' :
// back compat
$caps[] = 'move_topics';
$caps[] = 'stick_topics';
$caps[] = 'close_topics';
$caps[] = 'delete_topics';
case 'add_tag_to':
// edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_tags;
if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[0] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( !topic_is_open( $topic->topic_id ) )
$caps[] = 'edit_closed';
if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
$caps[] = 'edit_tags';
case 'edit_tag_by_on':
// edit_closed, edit_deleted, edit_tags, edit_others_tags
if ( !$topic = get_topic( $args[1] ) ) {
$caps[] = 'magically_provide_data_given_bad_input';
return $caps;
if ( !topic_is_open( $topic->topic_id ) )
$caps[] = 'edit_closed';
if ( '1' == $topic->topic_status )
$caps[] = 'edit_deleted';
if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
$caps[] = 'edit_tags';
$caps[] = 'edit_others_tags';
case 'edit_user':
// edit_profile, edit_users;
if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
$caps[] = 'edit_profile';
$caps[] = 'edit_users';
case 'edit_favorites_of':
// edit_favorites, edit_others_favorites;
if ( $user_id == $args[0] )
$caps[] = 'edit_favorites';
$caps[] = 'edit_others_favorites';
case 'delete_forum':
$caps[] = 'delete_forums';
case 'change_user_password':
// change_password, edit_users
$caps[] = 'change_password';
if ( $user_id != $args[0] )
$caps[] = 'edit_users';
Hi, I just upgraded WordPress to RC1 and used the newest trunk pf bbpress yesterday, and everything worked out fine…just as described during installation.
Have you tried logging in and out of both your WordPress and bbPress installations and accessing both admin panels? I mean each combination each way.
- Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress
- Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
- Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
- Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress
That is where the problem lies, and I have been running the most updated trunks of both bbPress and WordPress the entire time.
I have just realized that…Bugfixing can be so frustrating…I will check again tonight…
I am still kind of fighting with it…what i found was that initially new members added to bbpress via WP don´t get a role assigned…but on publishing their first post they will be assigned the proper role…
As you mentioned bbpress live above: On install it says “not implemented” on the settings screen for the post to WP section. And I can´t get it work either. Is there any secret?
@elwagar: Conversely, once they are registered you can assign them a role by going to the bbPress admin, WordPress Integration, and remapping. I feel like a plug-in could help this registration laziness along, but I also think this should just work correctly right away.
I actually had a similar issue years ago integrating phpBB 2.x and osCommerce together, trying to get one to work inside the other with cookies and what-not was a really big problem, one that I never really did get working 100% correctly.
I have no experience with bbPress Live, but it might be worth looking into. CK posted a really nice SQL example on how to grab information without a plug-in, so if you can’t get that to work, you could always put in a little manual labor.
I did as johnjamesj said (except that i left “secure auth” cookie salt as blank because I don’t see it anywhere) I am on wp 2.7rc1 and bb1.0a2. After installing, BB integrated and extracted the wp admin id to assign it the keymaster role. But I could not login in the newly created forum. On the WP side, I was stripped of my admin status and told that I don’t have the permissions.. bla bla. After initial panic, I edited wp_capabilities (under wp_usermeta). It was changed by BB to
I changed it to
and got back admin powers in wp much to my relief.
But the problem remains, I can’t login to BB. Something is seriously wrong.
I can login it seems but the bb admin page wont open! I am using role managers plugin… is it to be blamed?
@Nipon: I had that plug-in installed at one point also, but I’m not sure if it is the culprit or not. I actually installed it hoping that it would pick up on the bbPress roles but it didn’t.
If you integrate by modifying the config.php files, you won’t be able to access the bbPress admin regardless of where you login from.
If you don’t integrate the config.php files, you can access the bbPress admin by logging in ONLY through the forum/bb-login.php.
WordPress just isn’t aware of how to assign your session/role the forum admin rights. I am convinced this isn’t a cookie issue because all of us seem to have them pretty well synced up, and we’re able to login and stay logged in.
I had the same problem. I had to manually add a row to the wp_usermeta table! For some reason, I lost the “wp_user_level” on my user… setting that to “10” fixed the problem! I had full admin rights to the WP install again, while keeping the “keymaster stuff” on wp_capabilities…
Hope it helps…
I’m still struggling with some stuff and wish I didn’t have to have my users sign in twice… I might come up with a solution for that or, at least, have the BB login look exactly like my WP’s custom login page. I’m actually contemplating of just taking punBB… It’s no more of a PITA to install and configure and it’s a much better solution!
And I thought bbPress would be better and easier because of being from the same “ecosystem”… I was *sooooo* wrong… ;(
I’m getting annoyed by bbPress already…
Wouldn’t post my reply and then posted 3 times and then no way to delete them…
If you want to check out, I am running wp2.7rc2 and bbpress1.0a2 right now. Logins are done through WordPress, and if I need to access the bbPress admin, I can login that way privately myself by typing the URL.
Registrations are also forced through WordPress, as I need to use the register plus plugin or the facebook connect plugin to control registrations. All registered users have author access to WordPress, which conventionally is a horrible idea, but for our intentions it works alright. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t automatically give the new user access to the forums because it isn’t aware of the roles for it. I have to manually run the map tool in bbPress when a new user registers. Again, it’s a small private group of about 90 users or so, and we all know each other.