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Installed. Now, how do I get it visible?

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  • @macauley86





    First, you need to reset your permalinks. To do this, just go to Setting->Permalinks. you dont need to do anything on the page – simply going to this page will do the job.

    Secondly, after you do this, go to and see if they appear.

    Hopefully step 3 is profit :)



    Hi jaredatch,

    I just did that, but to no avail. The forums page is blank.

    This is my first time using bbPress with WordPress, so forgive the silly questions. is bbPress supposed to automatically show up on a page called “forums”, like, without me doing anything besides installing the plugin and activating it? Or is there an extra step for me to take?

    Thank you



    The forums page is here


    – The site considers the (only) forum there as a blog post (see breadcrumbs under the header banner

    – thus it does not use the right sidebar widgets (as set up under the widgets admin page)

    – there’s no login field

    – I had to add the forums page to the top navigation menu as a custom URL page. is that the way it’s supposed to be?

    Very confused. Am I missing something very obvious? Or is the setup more involved than just installing the bbPress plugin and activating it?

    Thank you



    Macauley86 – did you actually create a Forum or two in the Forums tab in WordPress? Nothing will show up till you do.

    Sorry in advance if I am oversimplifying your problem. :-)



    Hey, no problem. thank you for coming to my rescue :-)

    Yes, I did create a forum

    The forum page shows up, but it’s treated like a blog page

    and puts the blog widgets in the sidebar instead of the bbPress login and forum-related widgets.

    I didn’t even have to create a Forums page in WordPress. The moment I installed bbPress, it created its own forums page, even though it did not appear in the navigation.

    Actually, when I do create a forums page in wordpress, it sort of takes over the bbPress-created one and shows nothing on the page. Only when I delete, does the bbPress forums page come back.

    That is why I’m not sure if I’m missing a step or two.

    I just installed the bbPress plugin from within WordPress and activated it, then created a forum, and put a few bbpress widgets in the bbpress sidebar.



    When you say ‘create a forums page in wordpress’ do you mean you go to Posts or Pages within wordpress to create a page titled “forum”?

    You will have much more control over the look if you create a custom template page that sits in your theme folder, called, “forum.php”.

    This post helped me 2 weeks ago when I was tearing at my hair over this problem:

    Understanding templating.

    In that template, you can add bbpress’ sidebar bits by grabbing the php from the bbpress templates and inserting them into your own.

    Hope that helps – let me know how it goes…



    Another detail – to get started creating your forum.php file, make a copy of for example your page.php or single.php file and rename it. Then style it however you want.

    Just don’t touch ‘the loop’ itself and especially the <?php the_content(); ?> query. Essentially your forums are just wordpress pages of a special post type and they will need to be called with those elements in the template just like any other post / page.



    Or, pull a template file from one of the BBpress templates, name it forum.php and put it in your theme folder if you want it to be drastically different / forum-y-looking without doing a ton of redesign.



    Yeah when your theme is screwing stuff up, there isnt much you can do other than try to manual make tweaks to unbreak bbPress



    Thank you very much. I’ll play with a forum.php page setup.



    contact me,let me tell you,heh.



    I want to dig up this thread – @macauley86 did you ever find a fix for the forum thinking it was also part of the blog / a blog post somehow? I’m having the same issue myself. For anyone who doesn’t understand the issue the breadcrumbs will display something like ‘blog > forum’ and the menu highlights ‘blog’ and ‘forum’ at the same time.

    I went through the trouble of creating a slightly more watered down version of my template for bbpress and named it ‘bbpress.php’, trouble is it’s still having mixed feelings on whether it should be a blog post, just a forum or in this case both.



    I have been trying for ages to make this works for my website, i activated the bbpress forum and create a page name forum, insert some few bbpress shortcodes and all i get is the “Forum is Empty” is there anywhere this can be resolved? Is there any tutorial on it?My site is at Latest Universities Newsany help will be appreciated.



    Also i have other websites where am planning to add a community like forums but it is giving me pain in the a$$.The two websites are Cheap Cell Phones and Laptops i have tried for over a months to make this possible but it seems am missing one step. But for the life of me, i can’t figure it out.



    I believe you can add a shortcode to a page:


    It’s in the codex here:



    i have set bbpress forum in my site here is link

    the problem is when i am clicking any forum nothing is opening
    here is like of click and getting error, any one can encounter it i am waiting for



    I have the same erro as you



    hey you i am using bbpress forum 3.4.1 i am using wordpress 3.6 i have install and follow all step final the when all open form page all forum display on my page but when i click any form title there is this error “Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Post’ not found in /home/rm1969/public_html/ on line 375″

    please help me



    thanks markafoote , as none techy guy i did not know how to apply your suggestion which worked for me.

    once i activated the bbpress, I made a new page and pasted “[bbp-forum-index]” in the body of the page, then press published, at last after 2 days of trying and searching it worked.

    I dont know why this step is totally ignored by all the youtube clips i saw of how to install bbpress

    from what i understand the forum needs a page to show the forums and topics
    hope this helps others

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