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Installation Troubles

  • @skehoe


    I am currently installing bbpress in /bbpress/ on my web server. WordPress is already running in the root directory, and I am trying to integrate the two user databases. While the installation process seemed pretty straightforward, I ran into a couple issues fairly quick. First off, my wordpress config file didn’t have a lot of the values that bbPress wanted from it. There was no line for a secret key, and there was no a $table_prefix line but no wp_table_prefix line like bbPress asks for. After getting frustrated and messing around a little bit I tried using the prefix of wp_ to see if maybe that was the wordpress prefix (as the installer said wp_ is default) but all it ended up doing was causing errors and now I can’t even log in to change the setting back since it can’t find the user file. I even tried re-uploading a fresh version of the plugin and the settings stayed the same. What can I do to fix this and integrate with wordpress? Thanks

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  • @skehoe





    Here is the error I get when I log in, I have reinstalled multiple times and cant figure out how to change this error.

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db236562054.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘skehoe’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db236562054.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘skehoe’



    You set the table prefix in your bb-config.php to wp_? That would almost certainly overwrite your wp_tables then. Restore from a backup and start over. You need to add the secret line to your wp-config.php and bb-config.php both.

    If you have access to phpMyAdmin (looks like you’re at 1&1 Internet? They have phpMyAdmin installed in the control panel) take a look at the database tables directly and see what happened. Looks like you don’t have a wp_users table any more, and looking at the database directly will confirm if that’s the case.



    I am having the exact same problem now. Trying to integrate, added wp_ in the Admin control panel for BBPress under the WordPress Integration settings and I’m getting the same errors.

    Can you show me an example of how these lines should look in the wp-config.php and bb-config.php files?

    Is it absolutely necessary to rebuild the database?




    We don’t overwrite tables if they are there already, so the wp_user/meta tables should still be there.

    It’s really hard to tell what’s going on for you. Perhaps you should try and do a non-integrated install first just as a test.

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