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insert/hyperlink file

  • @tedinoz


    I’d like to include a file (say doc or wks or pdf) in a topic.

    Ideally I’d “insert” the file into the post, but worse case would be to hyperlink to a file in a folder.

    I know I could manually insert <a href…., but there must be an easier way.


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  • Yes there is, it’s called a WYSISYG editor. WordPress has one, I think (hope) bbPress will get one too. I already have a ticket about this for version 1.0 of bbPress, so time will tell if this gets implemented. If not, someone will (I will do it when I have time for it. I already have a WYSIWYG editor laying around that should be easy te implement into bbPress) make a plugin for this to add a very simple/basic WYSIWYG editor to bbPress.



    You may be looking for the object tag (it’s not permitted in the standard set of markup, so you’d have to explicitly allow it).

    See the HTML 4.01 Specification [1] and scroll down a little for examples.




    Maybe I need to be a bit more specific.

    I don’t need a WYSIWYG editor – quicktabs is fine.

    I would like the ability to “import” a file (like WP), but that’s not important (I can just “ftp” it).

    Obviously I can write the hyperlink longhand, but what I would like is a system-assisted why of doing it–>syntax consistent (quicktabs), and –> file location browsable (though I don’t think WP can do the latter).




    Mea culpa.

    OK, so I’d would like it NOW, but I can see this is scheduled for 1.5.

    I can wait.


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