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Importing DeluxeBB Into bbPress?

  • @brittonk


    I’m moving a social site into BuddyPress and the forums used a now defunct DeluxeBB. It doesn’t seem to be one of the options for the Importer Tools. Do any of you know if the structure of DeluxeBB matches that of one of the options listed?

    Here are the forums, threads, and posts tables which contain most of the information needed for this migration.

    -- Table structure for table <code>deluxebb_forums</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>deluxebb_forums</code> (
      <code>ordered</code> int(5) DEFAULT '0',
      <code>cid</code> varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>name</code> varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>fid</code> int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>topics</code> varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>replies</code> varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>viewstatus</code> varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>poststatus</code> varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>replystatus</code> varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>lastpost</code> varchar(225) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>lastpostby</code> int(10) DEFAULT '0',
      <code>description</code> tinytext,
      <code>lastpid</code> int(6) DEFAULT '0',
      <code>lastpidtime</code> varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>password</code> varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
      <code>userlist</code> mediumtext NOT NULL,
      <code>moderators</code> mediumtext NOT NULL,
      <code>ficon</code> varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>fid</code>),
      KEY <code>cid</code> (<code>cid</code>),
      KEY <code>lastpostby</code> (<code>lastpostby</code>),
      KEY <code>lastpid</code> (<code>lastpid</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>deluxebb_posts</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>deluxebb_posts</code> (
      <code>pid</code> bigint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>tid</code> bigint(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>author</code> int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>subject</code> varchar(285) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
      <code>message</code> text NOT NULL,
      <code>picon</code> varchar(50) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      <code>postdate</code> int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>ip</code> varchar(50) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      <code>smiliesoff</code> smallint(1) DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>pid</code>),
      KEY <code>author</code> (<code>author</code>),
      KEY <code>tid</code> (<code>tid</code>,<code>postdate</code>,<code>ip</code>)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table <code>deluxebb_threads</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>deluxebb_threads</code> (
      <code>tid</code> bigint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      <code>fid</code> int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>author</code> int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>subject</code> varchar(285) NOT NULL,
      <code>picon</code> varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      <code>views</code> int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>replies</code> int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>closed</code> smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>pinned</code> smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>moved</code> int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      <code>flame</code> tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>lastpostby</code> varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>lastpostdate</code> int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      <code>hiddenby</code> text NOT NULL,
      <code>likedby</code> text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (<code>tid</code>),
      KEY <code>fid</code> (<code>fid</code>),
      KEY <code>pinned</code> (<code>pinned</code>),
      KEY <code>lastpostdate</code> (<code>lastpostdate</code>),
      KEY <code>author</code> (<code>author</code>),
      KEY <code>moved</code> (<code>moved</code>),
      KEY <code>ashouts</code> (<code>fid</code>,<code>tid</code>,<code>author</code>)
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • @netweb


    I had a quick look around to see if I could find if it was a port or fork of another forum project but very little info was around.

    I’d suggest taking a look at either the phpBB or SMF importers, they are pretty much the top two importers that are included with bbPress and have the best “import” feature support for bbPress.

    The ‘Example.php” importer also tries (I know it can/could/should be better) to explain some of the field mappings.

    I made a start on guessing the field mappings for the forum section based on the phpBB importer:

    Using a table prefix deluxebb_ should work fine with the field map 'from_tablename' => 'forums',, as the converter joins these staements together giving you deluxebb_forums 🙂

    I’ll let you have a crack at the topics, replies and users and then I’m more than happy to tweak it with some of the newest updates that will be included in the next release of bbPress.

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