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Importing BBPress Records from Rainmaker

  • @brightenyourview


    I have a database in Rainmaker that has bbpress records I am developing a new wordpress website. I need to move the forums, topics and replies out of Rainmaker into the new wordpress mysql database. I tried the import/export function but there are over 500 authors and the records don’t match up. Does the Forum function under tools allow you to move from one bbpress to another. The only option I saw was bbpress1.

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  • @robin-w


    ‘I have a database in Rainmaker’

    what is rainmaker? a hosting company, cms or what ?



    Rainmaker is a platform that is built on wordpress. It uses bbpress that is modified.



    ok, the problem is that bbpress stores topic and reply authors as their WordPress ID, so unless the new sites WordPress ID’s match the old site’s then they won’t match.

    are the old authors all on the new site ?



    Are the records for bbpress only in the wp_posts and wp_postmeta or are other tables involved? I have the users but the problem is I can’t import in the forum topics and replies because I have 500 authors and it times out so I may have to take the tables from the old database.



    apart from some setup stuff in wp_options, the forums, topics and replies are held in wp_posts and wp_postmeta

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