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Imported Topics are blank

  • @tumptyteapot


    I’m trying to move a forum from one site to another.
    I’m using the WordPress export/import function
    I can see the structure of the imported forums including topic numbers and replies but there is no information in the topics. The error says ‘Oh, bother! No topics were found here.’

    I used the Cimy User Manager to import all the users and that worked fine.

    I’ve tried resetting permalinks but still nothing shows in the topics.

    Have I done something wrong?

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  • @robin-w


    ok, can you go into

    dashboard>topics> and select one topic to edit, and just hit update.

    let me know if that topic now shows



    thank you!
    It looks like no forums are assigned for the topics. I updated one and set a forum for it and I can see it fine now.
    Is there a way to import the connection between forums and topics or do I need to do that manually?



    so in

    dashboard>topics doe then forum show in the main list ?



    From the front end, what the forum user sees – I can see a list of topics inside forums but when I click on them I get the error message telling me nothing is there.
    In the back end, the topics are there, with content but they are not assigned to any forums.



    ok, sorry to keep asking, but it is important


    dashboard>topics>all topics you get a list of topics, and there is a column that says forum. Does each topic have a forum listed in that main list, or is that column blank?



    that column is blank.
    I appreciate you asking!



    ok, so if you

    go into
    dashboard>topics> and select one topic to edit, and just hit update.

    DON’T set the forum.



    I updated one of the topics without setting the forum but it doesn’t show up in the forums.



    ok, I think from previous threads that you need to import in an order

    so I’d suggest that (as long as you don’t have any other topics in the forum) you reset the forums (ie get rid of all the current forums, topics and replies)

    dashboard>tools>forums>reset forums

    Then import in the following order


    Then go back to

    dashboard>topics and see if the forums show in the main list



    Thank you, I was wondering about an order they should be done in.
    I cannot delete replies – I can see a reply count of 12 but none listed. I can’t move anything to the bin.
    Shall I just try anyway?



    so did you reset forums as in

    dashboard>tools>forums>reset forums



    resetting the forum worked.
    but putting everything back in order didn’t work.
    I did forums, topics then replies but I have the same problem.
    I see a number of topics in the forum but no actual content.



    can you answer this question

    Then go back to
    dashboard>topics and see if the forums show in the main list



    Hi, yes when I go to dashboard/topics the forums do show in a column in the main list



    ok, so final test, and then I’ll be happy I know what needs doing (one we did earlier)

    go into
    dashboard>topics> and select one topic to edit, and just hit update.
    DON’T set the forum.



    but I can update a topic and it shows up.
    There are not so many topics. I can update them all by hand then we have it working!
    Thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciate it!



    Great – I do have a plugin that will do that, but if you are happy to do that manually then fine.

    Are replies all ok ?



    On the replies I can see an error message ‘mismatch’.
    If you have a plugin that would do it all at once that would be wonderful!



    1. Download the plugin from this url :

    Fix forum

    Then upload to your site and activate

    3. Create a page called anything and put this shortcode in it
    and publish

    4. Go to this page and you will see a drop down, use the drop down to select ‘run’ and click submit

    That should do it



    nope, sorry. it didn’t work



    none of it ?



    It is just the same as it was before. I can see the topics in the back end but can’t access them via the front unless I update them.



    ok, then suggest you do that 🙂

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