The new version is fine, it’s just the old version
if you update you’re fine
Works, but finnsih ä, ö, å and Ä, Ö, Å does’nt work. Any help?
which encoding do you use utf-8?
and please send me your URL
My forum is bbPress 1.0.2 and url is
Thank you. 
PS: There is ä and ö. And in many others topics.
locate in the plugin file the function
function create_seo_meta_txt($content) {
$raw = str_replace(PHP_EOL, ' ', strip_tags($content));
$raw = str_replace(' ', ' ', $raw);
$snippet = substring_words($raw, 120, '');
return htmlentities($snippet, ENT_QUOTES);
and replace “htmlentities” with “wp_specialchars”.
Let me know if this works for you. This plugin is a little quick and dirty for these functions 
The seo plugin for wordpress has for internationalization huge blocks of code
Thank you for fast help. This works good now.
Great than it’s time to change that
does the new version work on bbPress 0.9?
I also had the problem with international characters and I think I solved it the same way (using wp_specialchars)
I used the almost the same version before for bbpress 0.9, it’s just the one important change for old users upgraded to 1.0. Just try it or better upgrade to bbpress 1.02
this version does not work correctrly on bbPress 0.9 branch. I get these PHP Warnings:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for bb_get_topic_tags(), called in /.../forum/my-plugins/bb-seo-tools.php on line 102 and defined in /.../forum/bb-includes/functions.php on line 1058
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../forum/my-plugins/bb-seo-tools.php on line 105
@dragunoff, upgrade to the latest bbpress version
Usign bb-seo-tools 1.02:
* Plugin Name: bbpress SEO tools
* Plugin Description: Optimize your page titels and meta tags with this simple SEO plugin.
* Author: Olaf Lederer (
* Author URI:
* Plugin URI:
* Version: 1.02
But getting these warnings upon reading a forum post:
Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/…/public_html/forum/my-plugins/bb-seo-tools.php on line 178
Using bbPress 1.0.2
It’s not my site but you can see the warning in action here at the moment:
Looks like
$row = $bbdb->get_row(“
SELECT um.meta_value AS role
FROM $bbdb->users AS u, $bbdb->usermeta AS um
WHERE u.ID = um.user_id
AND um.meta_key = ‘bb_capabilities’
AND u.user_status = 0
AND u.ID = $user_id
returns NULL
I temporarly fixed this by adding:
if(is_array($arr)) {
on line 177
and a closing bracket }
on line 186 just before return $is_mod