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I’m installed now how do I get readers to forums?

  • My forums have been installed and seem to be working fine but could anyone explain to me how I would make a link to the forums from wordpress? I would like to make a link if possible that will wrap inside of wordpress so people will not have to leave my site to go to the forums. They would simply click the Forums link and it would load in the same place that the blog posts were before.

    I’m not sure if this is possible if not, could anyone could tell me how to create a simple link to just point people towards the forums that would be great. I attempted to make a page called Forums but when I add the link to the forums in the permalink it removes all the slashes “/” taking me no where when I click it.

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  • _ck_


    WordPress allows you to make links, go to manage->links under your control panel. Make the link /forums/ if that’s the path to your forums.

    There are also wordpress plugins to make menu bars, optionally you could use that and put a few primary site links in there, including one to your forums.

    Technically if you wanted to place a link more prominently under your pages section, you could actually create a page for the forums and then use the rewriterules in your .htaccess to redirect the user to the actual forums.

    John James Jacoby


    ck, how exactly would the .htaccess be most safely accomplished. I am thinking of doing this as I would like try and get the current_page class within WordPress to still work when in the forums also.

    Curious if you’ve ran into this yet?

    Also looking for a solution to this. Have wp & bb integrated beautifully, but the current forum shows up erroneously in my primary nav menu.

    Example; a level 2 forum page, highlights the 2nd wp site page in the primary nav menu.

    This is basically is my last snafu before publishing with bbpress active! I’m so excited!

    Any solutions to this? I’m no .htaccess wizard, and regex freaks me out even more haha.

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