Hey @sambhal I’m working on your idea. But I already had this in my config.xml:
<access origin=”*” />
<allow-intent href=”http://*/*” />
<allow-intent href=”https://*/*” />
<allow-navigation href=”*” />
That should cover everything shouldn’t it?
I think it should work.
I am using Angular 1.
Any thoughts of integrate Push system into the app? https://codecanyon.net/item/desktop-mobile-push-notification-system-wordpress-plugin/6548533
they support bbpress, and I requested new features for bbpress.
Hey @makarkinpro I just ran into a comment you made at codecanyon regarding push notifications for bbpress. I’m not working on a bbPress app for a client and they want a user to be able to subscribe for push notifications in bbpress. I ended up finding that plugin you commented on. Any news on that?
My app works on iOS and Android.
New stuff I’m working on for my bbPress android/ios app… First a threaded/tree view of replies to make the conversation easier to follow.
Built an API and the app code for a search feature for the next version of the app:
New features in the “actions” menu for each topic/reply. Some features are admin only, like trash/delete. Others include edit topic/reply, block user, report content.
I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging in my application to send notifications.
I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging in my application to send notifications.
I looked at that but it seemed to not be easy or well supported in Angular 1. Would love to hear how you are making that work.
I’ve been quiet on my bbPress IOS/Android app as of late. The current version is working very well and during our site’s off-season I’m migrating my codebase to a native platform. That’s going well and hopefully can take advantage of device specific features at some point if needed.
Hey @tkserver thank you for your posts. That is very exciting.
Hi, I found this thread. How is this project going?
We are building a mobile app that connects to the bbPress forum on our site. We have been told that bbPress does not have its own API. Can WP REST API handle the following:
1) Create a new topic
2) Reply to a topic
3) pull out topics and replies by a specific user
4) pull out profile info of a user who created a topic or replied to a topic
5) subscribe / unsubscribe to a topic.
Are there any limitations?
Where can we find the documentation?
Thank you so much!
@tkserver did this ever complete ?