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IE explorer 404 on /?bbp_user="*" pages

  • @gecks


    When using internet explorer to view own profile or just view other players profiles it loads up a 404 Error, it works perfectly fine in other browsers i have tested it on other machines and Chrome and firefox work 100% but that dam I.E is causing me alot of hassle.

    Its set up as a wordpress website with bbpress plugin activated any ideas?



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  • @gecks


    sorry would help if i posted my website




    I think it has something to do with your Permalinks structure of WordPress.

    You show the ID numbers and not real slugs. (names and titles of pages and posts)

    But something else that is eyeing me in this bbPress software is that EDIT PROFILE link at the user pages.


    That edit-link really should only show up if the user is logged in and at his own profile page. Why would you like to show an Edit profile link to everybody else?

    Same as the links that output the Subscribe and Favorite -topics. Not everybody should see what someone else’s Favorite topics are or what topics he-/she has been subscribed too.

    (private info)

    Profile pages should only show, About me, Topic replies and Topics started.

    Everything else should be hidden and only visible to the user of the ID.



    Thanks mate didnt even notice that Edit profile link ! will get on that right away, would that be something to do within the bbp-user-template.php?



    Well its checking to see if the logged in user is the owner of the page, if it isn’t it is displaying that private information or the edit profile link. but if your not logged in as anyone it displays everything :S. I am slightly out of my depth here any suggestions please? thanks



    I have no idea how to change that.. (PHP isn’t my game)

    I’ve got the same problem. Thats why I think that the bbPress (team) is still working on it.

    I found this inside: (theme) > bbpress > user-details.php

    <?php if ( bbp_is_user_home() || current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) : ?>

    After that comes the Edit link but that PHP IF statement isn’t working correct.

    bbPress is still very Glitchy if you ask me.

    Lots of Glitch i don’t understand.



    It shouldn’t be showing the edit link for everyone all the time, only for users that are authorized to edit profiles. If you’re logged in as an admin, you will obviously see the link for all users.

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