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i wana convert my phpbb 3.0.5 forum to bbpress 0.9.5

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  • @junsuijin


    onel0ve, I converted a phpbb2 forum to bbpress 1.0a6 awhile back and it was quite a bit of work. You’ll need to export the entire db, then figure out which forum/topic/post ids correlate between phpbb3 and bbpress. The easiest way I found to rebuild the db in bbpress is to write some regexes that take the exported phpbb3 forum data and format it into correct sql statements to preserve the old id associations between posts/topics etc. Of course, phpbb3 and bbpress 0.9.5 are probably totally different from phpbb2 and bbpress1.0 in terms of db table format, but I remember having to combine data from several phpbb2 tables into single bbpress tables to accomplish the task. Make sure you have a test environment to build the new bbpress db on as you’ll probably need to give it a few tries and test out a few things before attempting to rebuild the entire thing.

    Unless you own your server, you’ll also want to be sure to do the actual regexing (if you decide to run it in a php script for example) on your own computer (XAMPP or LAMP), because if your forums are large, that is quite a load on the server to run the regex routines that format your sql insert statements (and your hosts may not be too happy about that). I also ended up having to split up my data into several files to get it to work with a php regex.



    I dnt kn0w much about db .Is there any script?



    Hi onelove,

    i think this must be the right “startingpoint” for you:

    I’ve converted a phpBB 2 to phpBB 3 to bbPress 0.9.4 Forum three weeks ago. The converter works great for me. But the best way is on a local pc (XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP) which some backups.

    A colleague from me wrote a little script with some regular expressions to clean up the topics and posts. eg. for the old phpBB <quote>-Tag and the smilies. Maybe I can upload this script temporary.

    Also i hope i have some time to write an “how to” for the user reverse user integration in WordPress after the conversion from phpBB3. On Mysteria3000 ( we have 50 authors and about 150 users in the forum.



    General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s links’, ’21’, ’20’, ’80’, ‘157’)’ at line 1 [ 1064 ]

    An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

    when i try to convert i get this errror massage please help



    very strange, i have converted phpbb 305 to bbpress 0905 with just one error in users (password filed was to short)

    u installed some mods or etc that affect phpbb database?

    and your phpbb db is large? better to convert on localhost



    onelove, you may need to hand-edit your sql statements. Can you paste in line 1064 of your sql file?

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