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I seem to be breaking bbpress forums when trying to use childtheme bbpress.css

  • @j0n4h


    Hey again,

    Running into some trouble customizing my bbpress forums via the bbpress.css file in the my child theme. I’m unsure if the pathway is incorrect, or maybe the intro to the file itself is incorrectly formatted. I do, however, know I was able to enqueue the custom loop-forums.php correctly with the functions.php properly pathwayed.

    So, the pathway to the bbpress.css file is default>css>bbpress.css
    In my childtheme, I have the bbpress.css file located avada-childtheme>css>bbpress.css

    However, whenever I add code into the bbpress.css file after the

    Theme Name: Avada-childtheme
    Theme URI: Your website if you don’t intend to publish a separate site just for your theme
    Description: A brief description of your child theme
    Author: Jonah Hollis
    Author URI:
    Template: Avada
    Version: 1.0.0
    Tags: whatever tags you might want to use for your child theme

    /* =Theme customization starts here
    ————————————————————– */
    it corrupts the bbpress forums and breaks them. When I delete the file, the bbpress forums resume normal functionality. For the purposes of example, I’ll leave them broken.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    WordPress 4.0.1
    bbPress 2.5.4-5380

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  • @robkk



    if avada came with a bbpress.css file already in try to follow the same file hiearchy.

    other than that it should be wp-content>avada-childtheme>css>bbpress.css

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