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i need wysiwyg editor

  • @mrbl4d3


    hi! i need a plugin, file or script for insert image, youtube video, avi etc into my bbpress post. I try with fckeditor but i have problem when i insert youtube video. How i can do? Help me!

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  • @chrishajer


    The anarchy plugin has been discussed here as a solution to this, but AFAIK it has not been implemented at all.

    Not yet … but I’m still interested. AMP will still work if you add the javascript to the header either from the standalone player or from wordpress with the amp plugin installed. Picks up any links to flv, mp3, mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gp, wmv, avi and asf. The youtube etc flash players would need to embed javascript though and so will need to be ported to bbpress via quicktags … which is what I’m looking into.



    Being the idiot that I can be sometimes, I didn’t test all the formats zeug and only tried YouTube out of the gun……if I would have tested out the other formats I would have known they worked already as I tried using the standalone player about 3 months ago…..*sigh*

    I will be testing this one out for sure today!


    Yeh AMP has 2 ways to embed media, one uses SWFObject to embed Flash movies, like all the youtube etc stuff. The other tests simple href links in the page for media file extensions .mp3, .flv, .mov etc, and if it finds them it loads em.

    It’s just the SWFObject javascript embeds that need to be handled behind the scenes by a bbPress plugin as I take it most everyone knows how to make simple href links. For these all you need is the javascript call in the head:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://PATH TO PLAYER DIRECTORY/anarchy_media/anarchy.js"></script>

    And yeh, no idiocy required, apart from my own idiocy of ommission … I should really get around to documenting what anarchy.js actually does and add that to the download package so it’s all clearer than opaque mud… sort of more a translucent mud hopefully.



    Zeug is just everywhere…




    ok, after i will try with swfobject but i have already install Tinymce editor.

    I can see correctly the editor but when i try to insert new post bbpress said me: “You need to actually submit some content!”.

    If i can edit already insert post i don’t have error…

    sorry for bad english :-)




    Ok, I have the anarchy media player working on my forum! Don’t forget to configure the path for the script to call in your header.php template as well as configuring the anarchy.js file to have the correct path as well, or it will not work!

    Thanks Zeug!

    For reference of this working:


    Hi Trent,

    hope you don’t mind but I just posted a few AMP href examples on your forum. There’s no reason bbPress feeds can’t become fully fledged pod/vidcast feeds, all you need is enough Quicktime content and mp3’s which AMP makes possible.

    And Dr Mike … yes zeug is literally everywhere/everything! “Nach festem Gesetze, wie einst, aus heiligem Chaos gezeugt” Holderlin



    No problem Zeug! Akismet didn’t like you, but I fixed that!


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