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I don’t get second PW reset email in Hotmail

  • @intellivision


    I get the first:

    “If you wanted to reset your password, you may do so by visiting the following address:

    If you don’t want to reset your password, just ignore this email. Thanks!”

    Click that link which takes me to my page:

    “Password Reset

    Your password has been reset and a new one has been mailed to you.”

    But the email never gets to my account, not even in Junk. Gmail *does not have this problem.* I just checked. It’s just Hotmail. Don’t know if it’s “them” or bbPress.

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  • @chrishajer


    Good question. I’m inclined to say it’s hotmail right off the bat, since they make it through to gmail, but maybe it’s something that bbPress does with the email that hotmail finds objectionable.

    Who does the email arrive from, at gmail (and the first time at hotmail for that matter), and if the mail were rejected, where would the bounced message go? In my installation, emails appear to come from – but that email doesn’t exist, so any mail that fails to get delivered is just gone forever. If your email comes from a real email address, is that address getting rejection emails from hotmail?

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