To see their edits you have to go to the edit post screen for the reply in the WordPress backend and then cycle through the revisions as you would any other regular WordPress post.
There is a trac ticket to make this easier, like being able to cycle through the post content history with ajax.
Thanks, that is what I thought but I can’t see the revisions anywhere, I used to be able to see them, am I being dense?

This has been edited about 6 times, so I know there are many versions of it, but where?
I guess bbPress does not show the revisions for replies in the backend like I thought, I guess only topics then??
Use this php code snippet to enable the metabox for revisions, add it to your functions,php file in your child theme or use a plugin like functionality.
I think after 2 edits it will show up I think.
function rkk_add_revision_support_for_replies() {
add_post_type_support( 'reply', 'revisions' );
add_action( 'init', 'rkk_add_revision_support_for_replies' );