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How to unsubscribe banned users to forums and new topics

  • @umar007


    I am using bbpress with buddypress and i have enabled group forums.

    I have tested forum and new topic subscription settings for private and hidden groups. I have found new topic or reply notifications are also sent to even banned users as well as removed users, if they are subscribed to the topics or forums.

    I want new reply are topic notifications are not sent to banned and those users that are removed from group. How and where can i change these setting?

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  • @robkk


    Banned from a group, or just the forums, or entire site??



    I am talking about only hidden or private buddypress groups.

    Admin can ban or remove users from groups in buddypress. I have tested that new topic notifications with message are sent to banned users that i don’t want, if they are subscribed to group forum.

    If group admin ban a user, Ideally banned user should be automatically unsubscribed to group forum. But according to my tests new notifications are still sent by bbpress plugin to banned or removed users.

    How can i myself unsubscribe a user to a forum or topic?



    Not sure about forum subscriptions or if this would work with group forums, but it might be worth a try.

    Install this plugin, put the widget into your sidebar, and go to each topic and remove the users subscriptions manually.

    Other than this plugin for topic subscritptions, I do not know what else to recommend right now.

    If group admin ban a user, Ideally banned user should be automatically unsubscribed to group forum. But according to my tests new notifications are still sent by bbpress plugin to banned or removed users.

    Will keep a note of this, because this is expected if you ban a user. Maybe bbPress or BuddyPress could add this in the future.



    Plugin you suggested only works for topics but i mainly need similar solution for forums.

    Actually i have recently demoted a moderator and have also removed him from hidden group that is restricted to only staff members. I don’t know he was subscribed to staff group forum or not. I can’t use it until i am sure he is not subscribed to forum.

    I think these settings should be saved somewhere in database. If these settings are saved in database, where and how can i edit them manually?



    Plugin you have shared does not even works for topics. I can unsubscribe only myself with it.

    I am using latest bbpress Version 2.5.8



    I might be overthinking things before, but can’t the user just go to their profile in the subscriptions section and just remove it from there?? I am not entirely sure still with BuddyPress, but I think it should be there.



    Please try to understand the situation. I have demoted him. He is angry naturally. He can unsubscribe himself but i don’t trust him now. How shall i know he is unsubscribed or not?

    There are email notification settings in Profile but they are only related to buddypress.

    I checked in dashboard as well but could not find any settings that will let me unsubscribe a user to a forum or topic.

    It is related to bbpress.



    You could switch to his account using the User Switching plugin

    With BuddyPress installed you can see the users subscriptions by going to their profile. Hitting the Forums menu link, then you should see a sub nav with Subscriptions then you could hit the red X for any topics/forums you do not want him to be unsubscribed to.

    THere might be a SQL way to, but I don’t want to get that complicated.



    Many Thanks. User Switching plugin solved my issue.

    There should be solution to this problem and it should be built in bbpress plugin. Please inform core team about it.



    I will keep this in noted and list this as possible feature requests that might help bbPress users.



    I don’t think it’s ethically correct to switch to another user 🙂 I have spent some hours on a new admin screen that shows my users, the roles I’m interested in and the forums I have. So it shows per user his/her role and if he/she did a ‘subscribe’ on forum level.
    Next step is to be able as admin to force (un)subscriptions at forum level (I’m not interested in topics). Will share when more advanced.



    Hi guys,

    I have spent some evenings using for the first time WP_list_table and understanding the bbpress functions, but this is the plugin I have for the moment :

    It will list your users and the forums they are subscribed to. You should be able to (un)subscribe users more easily (well, at least it works for me).





    Not certain about gathering memberships or if this would work with gathering discussions, however it may be justified regardless of an attempt.




    Thanks for sharing. I shall test it and give feedback soon.



    Please tell me, can the admin ban me, if I login on the forum\group through the proxy ( Russian region. That is, periodically I will have different ip on the same login.



    Hi @ikkius099,
    An admin can ban if he suspects something strange is going on, but having a different IP should not have any influence on that!

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