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How to stop bbpress using page.php as it’s template

  • @dwbroad


    How can I select what page bbpress uses for it’s template? It’s currently using page.php and for whatever reason it’s not displaying anything except the description:
    (have had to remove the link as it’s getting bombarded…)

    If i remove page.php from my template then it works (I assume it’s reverting to using index.php)

    can anyone help?

    I’m using WordPress 3.4.2 and bbpress 2.2.2



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  • @dwbroad


    Blimey, it seems that just posting that link on here has overloaded my hosting. No idea what’s going on but my server is running at 100% and I keep getting

    Resource Limit Is Reached

    The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.

    now I seem to have two problems…



    Well, I’ve worked out why my page.php was not showing my template, the loop I was using was a really simple one, just


    When I replaced it with the loop from the twentyeleven them it worked! Phew.

    Still not worked out why my site was being bombarded by multiple IPs just from positing the link to an open forum on here… I think I stopped it by deleting the forum and the .htaccess file to stop the permalink from existing as even if it’s a 404 it can still be constantly requested. I think…

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