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How to limit posts to a minimum number of characters?

  • @marius-


    My BBPress forum has gotten quite popular. It’s in constant use every day, and I have gotten alot of young kids using it. Kids as young as eight years old.

    Sometimes these kids post just to post, and alot of messages consists only of a few letters. I want to put a stop to this. Is there some way I can demand that a post should atleast contain 30 letters, or atleast ten words?

    Please help me out.

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  • @nightgunner5

    Member – You just described this plugin almost exactly.



    I don’t want to blog it, but rather give these users an errormessage saying “You have not written a long enough post” or something like that.



    I want it to say to users writing typical “lol”s, that “Your post is too short, please write a longer message before you post”. Then users can keep the window they’re in, and add more words to their post. A way to force better communication.

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