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How to import bbpress users?

  • @nowton


    I tried importing a little over 400 users using Import users from CSV. The import is fine, however I am unable to bulk change the role of the imported users to participant, nor have I found a way to import them as participants in one go. How would I go about this? Thanks in advance.

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  • @casiepa


    Did you tick ‘Settings > Forums > Auto Role’ before starting the import ?
    Some technical talk : The bbPress role is part of an array in the meta fields of a user. If Import users is using the normal way of creating a user, then setting the ‘Auto Role’ should be enough.
    I know the plugin can import meta fields, but I only did that with strings, but no idea if it can ‘add’ to an existing array.



    Yes, the auto role for forums is Participant. Users were imported as Subscribers; but the resulting import did not list any role for the forum. Changing forum roles in bulk for users does not work. I tried with a personal account but although I can log in to WordPress, I cannot log in to the forums. How to continue? Thanks in advance.



    In your admin panels, go to ‘Users > All Users’
    Optional: At the top right, click ‘Screen Options’ and increase the number of items to e.g. 100.
    Select the users you want to change, in the dropdown ‘Change forum role to…’ choose the role you want, then hit ‘Change’ just next to it.

    Hope that helped.



    I am unable to bulk change the role of the imported users to participant

    Changing forum roles in bulk for users does not work.

    I see the view refresh after submitting those changes, but no changes are saved. Please advise, thanks.



    I’m getting the same behavior. Batch Change Forum Role has no effect.

    With the upgrade to WP 4.4.0 bbPress 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 batch change of user forum roles are no longer effective.
    This does seem linked to the WordPress upgrade as batch forum role changes worked under both bbPress 2.5.7 and .8 worked under WP4.3 but stopped working under WP4.4.

    I’ve deactivated all other plugins and set theme to TwentyTwelve – still not working. Debug True is not revealing any hints either.

    Anybody else out there experiencing this?



    I confirm the issue. I have create a ticket:



    The default role is set during login not during user creation (as that is done by wordpress) . Ie if a user doesn’t have a role, then this is set to the default role when the user first logs in.

    So on import or indeed user creation, the database is not changed. As each user logs in for the first time it is set.

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