bbp style pack
once activate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form for editor options and
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>buttons for new topic button
Loving that plugin! Still cannot get the buttons to show on the textbox for posting. The most I get is a grey bar across the top (or the Visual/Text tabs on the right if I have both enabled).
link to your site and an example please
THe link to my site is int he first post above —

hmm. cannot access this area without registering, and sorry don’t have time for that.
suggest it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
Then come back
I may just have to live with it then. I use a highly customized theme (Atahualpa) and I am not sure it would not destroy my settings if I changed themes. And I also have 34 plug-ins active right now (many of whicha are specifically used in information display (i.e. I use the wiki links one for displaying table of contents for a number of products I have produced).
And thank you for your help!
Have you tried other plugins like:
TinyMCE Advanced
Advanced TinyMCE Configuration
Yes, they did not work. However, I did find other issues, which when changing themes (much as I hated to do it) fixed all the issues (Live Preview of a different theme showed me the toolbars for the text box work and the attachments plug-in works now too!)
So my issue is now resolved and I am now working on tweaking the new theme to get it closer to what I want. 🙂
Came up with another question….
I now have the Text and Visual toolbars showing in the editor, and I have the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin installed as well, but cannot seem to get it to show the advanced toolbars.
It appears that the bbp Style Pack is over-riding TinyMCE Advasnced as to what editor to show.
Anybody have any ideas on how to change that?
I use this code on my website
// ==============================================================
// Tweak MCE Toolbars (bbPress Editor)
function ajt_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
global $bsp_style_settings_form ;
$args['tinymce'] = true;
$args['teeny'] = false;
if ($bsp_style_settings_form['Show_editorsactivate'] == 1) $args['quicktags'] = false;
return $args;
add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'ajt_enable_visual_editor' );
// ==============================================================
Works for me.
where do you put that code?
You can use the snippets plugin or your child themes functions.php file.
ok, I tried putting that into the functions.php for my theme.
The result was that the buttons/options I selected for my text editor showed up on the visual tab, and the text side looked liked this one does.
very very odd
never saw that Snippets plugin before… I like it…
Now, if I could just get the text box to show correctly (using TinyMCE Advanced, I added a bunch of buttons to the Classic/Text editor, but they are only showing (when using your snippet of code) on the Visual Editor, not the Text/Classic editor.
I have no knowledge about the text editor toolbar I am afraid. All I have ever done is extend the tools on the TinyMCE toolbar. So I can’t help you with the text toolbar,