I just realised, there is a widget that does the job except without the casual informations.
So I guess the core already does the job. I just need to find where it is.
I’ve just recut my topics shortcode to allow you to do just that
bbp additional shortcodes
Hello Robin ! Thanks for your answer !
I tried your plugin and it works great.
I tried to make 6 post and only 5 were shown so super.
I am now truing to remove the :
Viewing 5 topics – 1 through 5 (of 6 total) and the search form.
Also a pagination is there now. How could I remove it ?
Whitch file is used to built this ? I hope this is not the same as [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] because I need them both.
Any idea ?
Which file is used to built this ? I hope this is not the same as [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] because I need them both.
No both use functions not files, so they are separate.
Also a pagination is there now. How could I remove it ?
That should be quite doable, I’ll take a look in the next few days !
In fact took a look today and done !
bbp additional shortcodes
You now have a template of ‘short’ which just does the titles and topics, no search or other stuff.
see the web for full details on how to do this, but for example
[bbp-display-topic-index show=’5′ forum=’29’ template=’short’ ]
nice on adding additional features robin!! time for me to update!!
great – pleased its doing the trick !