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How to disable Nonce check

  • @gperez-tl


    How can I completely disable nonce check in the forum? We have a personalized theme and sporadic warnings appears: “Are you sure you want to do this?”. Well, we don’t know how to reproduce them but they appear on breaks our design.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @casiepa


    If you are getting these warnings because of your theme, then I would choose a different theme. The nonce is there for making sure you won’t do any stupid things, so if you see the warning, something is wrong in your setup.

    I would not try to look to disactivate it, but rather find the source by deactiving plugins or choose a different theme.





    Are you only getting this error when trying to restore trashed topics as you replied to the other topic about it.



    @casiepa It’s too late for that. But I’ll try to disable each nonce check manually (from the theme)

    This bug is unrelated to “restore trashed topics” and I don’t know how to reproduce it. But I’d close this thread since the nonce functionality is part of WordPress and not bbpress, right? And also the existence of the nonce check is responsibility of the theme, right?

    Thanks, both of you.




    Well if you see the error message in a red notice on your bbPress forums, it is definitely bbPress pushing the error.



    Something seems to be failing with nonce. Everywhere. By example, my logout button is set to logout without confirmation. But sometimes (randomly) it asks for confirmation: “Do you really want to log out?” Well, I can reproduce the error by modifying the nonce manually.

    So, the response to this thread would be that there’s no way to disable nonce in the entire system (as far as I can tell). And my errors (the ones we talked in this thread and maybe the ones we talked in other threads) are being caused by my server or internet provider (IT guy says we have two internet providers and connection flows from one to another on the fly).




    Do you only get the logout confirmation nonce when bbPress is activated??



    Hi @robkk. Actually I didn’t check that, sorry. The project is basically a bbpress project. And I had to set it enable all the time in order to develop.

    I asked the IT guy to create a clon of the page in another host and it’s working fine as far as I can see. So, I’d leave this here being a hosting issue.

    Thanks a lot for the replys.

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