I mean where in sources the file which define the forums types.
ok, may be you know how to distinguish forum type via WP_Query()?
$query = new WP_Query('post_type=category');
– not working.
bbPress works with Categories and Forums for the main structure, could you maybe explain what you plan to obtain ? Because you could easily create a structure of Category>Category>Forums.
I did not check how easy it is to have implement it, but if you really want this, check how to add a WordPress custom type, that will be your starting point.
I want forum looking like phpbb, example below. Where I marked the categories and forums must look like.
I trying to detect categories with this code:
<?php $q_meta_forums1 = array( 'meta_key' => '_bbp_forum_type', 'meta_value' => 'category'); ?>
<?php $categories_q = new WP_Query( $q_meta_forums1 ); ?>
But $categories_q returns nothing. It’s the main problem for now.
So, then I want in loop-forums.php with code above build categories structure and in ‘while’ cycle make another one which will be show sub-forums of categories.

Ah now it’s clear. You can check this topic that will help you out: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/tittle/
Ooh, thank you very much!