This is currently the only way that bbPress gives new users passwords. It serves a double purpose. The first is a record of a password for a user if they don’t end up changing it and second of all, it makes sure that people register with an actual email address (which stops most spam bots right there) because they have to retrieve their password from email.
If you need something, I would assume it would require a core hack unless someone can develop a plugin. Right now, I don’t think anything is in the works.
It can be done by a plugin, using the actions bb_new_user
and extra_profile_info
But the problem would be, that an random password must be generated (no access to tweak insert-function) and then updated to the password the user has chosen. The the user would receive an email with his random password and not with his chosen password. This isn’t cool 
Does somebody know, if there is a plugin-way to overwrite/rewrite a whole function (like bb_new_user();
You shouldn’t have to overwrite it, just write the function you want, put it in my-plugins, and update the call from the templates.
It’s a problem, however, if the function you want to overwrite is only called from outside the template files.
It’s called from the register.php (not the template) … it’s an internal function, so i would have to find another way.