As far as I know, you need to use Topics-per-page plugin. I tried and I couldn’t make it work.
What version did you install? Pagination is built in in the 1.0-alpha versions.
BBpress 1.06a and Topic views plugin 1.6.3. I couldn’t paginate last posts in front-page.php
If you know how, please share some knowledge
What I wanted is to have an unlimited number of posts in the front-page loop and set a pagination. I think this feature would be a great improvement for bbpress.
I’m interested too in a last 10 posts loop for my 404 page
Front-page pagination works using topics-per-page in both 0.9 and the latest trunk.
topic-views plugin has nothing to do with pagination.
Update: wait, I see the trunk now corrupts the urls after a couple of pages.
This is one of those things they keep breaking in the alpha and I will fix once they stop playing with it.
This is why you don’t use the alpha.
I’m not going to bug fix just because you want to use the alpha on a live site.
I’ve now posted 0.0.5 with a workaround for 1.0a’s url corruption during pagination.
Remember if you use pretty-permalinks you *must* add the rewrite rule to .htaccess in the readme.txt
Thanks for the fix, I will check it asap. In my case, I need to use 1.0a6 because I deep-integrated with wp.
BTW, I couldn’t make topic views plugin work neither.
*need code for last 10 posts loop in 404 page
I tested this plugin and it is working on my live installation now.
I think front-page pagination should be added to the core. It is a great enhancement.
Not working for me. [1.0-alpha6]
I added this plugin to my ALPHA site in /my-plugins/
I then Activated the plugin via the Admin site.
To the front-page.php template, I added <div class=”nav”><?php front_page_pages(); ?></div> AFTER <?php endforeach; endif; // $topics ?> </table>
In my .htaccess file I added RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/?page=$1 [L,QSA]
But when I go to the front page of my forum, I still don’t see the Pagination.
No errors. Nothing
When I go to my
frooyo make sure you upgrade to the very newest version of topics-per-page
it’s tested working fine on 1.0 trunk with both pretty permalinks and regular