How do you make footer background transparent?
I have just made a new background for my forum on
It is that tiny 300px picture in the right corner there.
When you scroll down, the white background of the footer really mess it up. It covers half of the picture. Where is the code for this in the stylesheet?
Am I going to have to remove the footer completely then? And dont give BBpress its well deserved credit?
I have looked through the entire style.css and theres nothing making that background white.
I thought maybe it was local, so I have looked through footer.php, and frontpage.php, and still nothing. Why is the bottom of my page white?
Hi Marius,
These really aren’t BBpress questions mate, and you’d have alot more success going to a CSS website. That said, I’ll try and help.
Your issue has nothing to do with the footer, as it doens’t have any background associated with it. Your image of Michael Jackson is associated with your div with the id of WRAPPER. Your theme, for some reason, has not put the footer inside the wrapper. There is no white block hiding your image when you scroll the bottom, the DIV it’s assocaited with simply stops. Just move your footer inside your wrapper and you’ll fix it
How do I move the footer inside the wrapper?
The theme is original Kakumei, with only colors modified.
With all due respect, if you dont know how to make this simple CSS fix, this isn’t the place for you to get help. The issue you’re having isn’t with BBpress.
I’d strongly suggest that you try one of the CSS websites and play around with your theme to achieve your desired goal. You’ll stumble upon the answer quicker than us explaining the basics of web design step by step
I had someone not so arrogant help me out. Was just a few lines of code he didnt mind giving me.
Thanks for being cocky. I dont know what that contributed to anything or anyone here.
Marius, i told you what the problem was:
Your issue has nothing to do with the footer, as it doens’t have any background associated with it. Your image of Michael Jackson is associated with your div with the id of WRAPPER. Your theme, for some reason, has not put the footer inside the wrapper. There is no white block hiding your image when you scroll the bottom, the DIV it’s assocaited with simply stops.
and I told you how to fix it :
Just move your footer inside your wrapper and you’ll fix it
I wasn’t being arrogant or mean, i was being honest with you mate, that if you are struggling with this sort of level of web design basics then this forum isn’t the best place for you – for your sake, not for mine
Your post above, like your post yesterday hasn’t anything to do with BBpress. I’m not saying don’t ask for help, i’m saying that if you were to go to other websites and learn some of the basics of webdesign you’d have more skills to do it yourself – and thats a great feeling
I’m sorry you thought i was being arrogant, i thought i was being honest AND had told you the solution to your problem.
Designing with BBPress will always have something to do with BBPress.
Marius-, kevinjohngallagher is correct. The issues you were having were purely CSS and template issues, not bbPress issues. Just because you’re using bbPress doesn’t make your question a bbPress question. To answer those questions would not be supporting bbPress, they’d be helping you design a forum theme. I just skipped over the question initially because it had nothing to do with bbPress.
When Im asking specifically for location of a code, in the DEFAULT THEME that comes with BBPress, the best place to ask is of course BBPress own forum. Ask the makers, not the interpretors.
My friend, no-one is attacking you here. You’re not using the default theme, you’re using a modified theme. I have the default theme and it doesn’t have a picture of Micahel Jackson anywhere (that i can see at least).
Your issue was a CSS issue, because you had placed attached your CSS code to the wrong DIV for what you were wanting to achieve. It’s nothing to do with BBpress, honestly mate, the issue was a CSS issue with CSS code that you added when you didn’t know what you were doing. A CSS website would make a world of difference to you and your knowledge and ability to edit the themes. I’m not saying that to be cocky, i’m saying it to give you the tools to do these things yourself
When Im asking specifically for location of a code, in the DEFAULT THEME that comes with BBPress, the best place to ask is of course BBPress own forum
That’s the key thing here mate, you were not asking that. You maybe thought you were, but the code that was wrong was in your CSS file, that you added – that’s nothing to do with BBpress.
Given that it was your 2nd thread and your 4th attempt at asking for this solution in under 24 hours, I tried to help out – i gave you the simplest answer because your understanding of CSS was limited . You didn’t understand the simple solutions presented, that’s your web development knowledge, nothing to do BBpress.
No-one is paid to be here matey, we’re all doing this because we want to help BBpress grow
But that doesn’t mean we have to be at your beck and call for real time support, nor does it mean that we have to answer basic web design/development questions that don’t have anything to do with BBpress. I’m going to leave this here, clearly we have different opinions, and that’s cool – but for your sake mate, not mine, learning a bit of Web Development skills will make your BBpress life alot easier.
Take care
Again, you are wasting your energy. Theres no point in telling someone who needs help that their knowledge is not good, they are in the wrong place and whatnot.
You should think more solution-oriented, not to make things harder than they need to be. If you are so good with CSS to call my skills limited, then either contribute a solution, or be quiet. Im very familiar with people like you, who you need to argue with to get some sense out of. Just see your last answer that Im replying to – where you are first now going in depth about the problem. All this after me having provoked you.
Luckily, I found another CSS expert who instead of causing trouble and annoying me, was kind to simply post the solution right away. It all was taken care of in less posts than this thread now has.
Perhaps your CSS skills are good, but your understanding of education is not. I know from experience there are many like you in the programming community, perhaps thats why it takes so long for new standards to get established.
THis was my last post in this thread.
Oh the drama, the drama
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