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How do I get the Super Sticky Topic to stick to the TOP of each forum?

  • @ginaginagina


    I thought this would naturally happen as a super sticky topic. Basically, I want the same message to show up at the top of each forum so that members see it before they start posting (sort of like a “Read this before you get started” pinned topic). However, as soon as I started creating other sub-forums and topics, it got pushed to the bottom of the page, which obviously means a lot of people will miss it entirely.

    How do you get it to stay at the top of each forum as a reminder?

    My forums are all private, so you wouldn’t be able to see it (hence, I’m not adding a URL), but I am including a screenshot.

    Wordpress version: 5.2.2
    bbPress version: 2.5.14
    Screenshot: topic not staying at top of forum page

    Unfortunately, I can’t test a different theme; I just tried in staging to do that and the site broke completely, so I don’t want to test in my live site. However, this doesn’t seem like a theme issue.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    You may want to try the latest 2.6 release candidate instead:


    It includes a few changes to how stickies are queried, and may fix this problem for you.



    Is that a beta then? I’m not seeing it in my plugin update area in WP admin; is it generally pretty safe to do the pre-release updates John?



    Any chance that there are developers out there I can pay to help with this? It seems like such a simple fix but I am at a loss and our nonoprofit’s forums are all set up — but completely useless. 🙁



    How long is the text that you want at the top ?



    Hey Robin, it’s not text, but the actual topic. You can see it in the screenshot URL I included above, if that helps. I couldn’t get the screenshot URL to insert the image in the original post for some reason, but the URL works!).



    sticky topic at bottom of page

    Robin, just tried a different hosting service for the screenshot and seems to be working now (link works as well if preferred). Here’s the screenshot of what I’m trying to do.



    bbpress will put sub forums and categories above the topics in a forum.

    The best you can do is put some text above.



    Hey Robin, I was just looking around to try to fix all the weirdness with my bbPress (still have no idea why there are so many issues with it!) and found this:

    “Sticky – Posts will stick to top of the Forum which it is in.

    Super Sticky – Posts will stick to the top of all Forums.”

    This is a “Super Sticky” post — it sounds like it is supposed to stick the top of all forums, but it’s not here. Am I misunderstanding?




    sorry, but what you see is how it works, it lists the sub forums first

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