With the word “category” you mean a parent forum?
Yes, I mean parent forum, not a forum that has been check-boxed into being a ‘category.”
So you must manually change the loop the you will find in the template file front-page.php
on index.php get_latest_topics(‘exclude=id_of_the_controversial_forum’);
Ok, so I changed the line to be this:
if ( $topics = get_latest_topics(‘exclude=8’, $page) ) {
How do I make it exclude more than one forum?
Say, don’t want forum game threads showing up, so I’d block 7 also…
if ( $topics = get_latest_topics('exclude=8,7', $page) )
but I’m not sure that this will function.
I found this: http://phpdoc.ftwr.co.uk/bbpress/ is that helpful in finding an answer?
That doesn’t work.
(to making it exclude=7,
Arguments, stuff you want to do with the function. It’s used all over wordpress/bbpress.
Looked it up in a PHPXref and found that ‘exclude=7,8’ should work, try removing the $page and see what happens.
Whenever I do exclude=7,8
it just does it as
and then
It results as only showing from 8 (except for stickies).
Perhaps trying ‘exclude=-7,-8’?
That seems illogical, but I will try.
Strangely, it works. I suppose I can mark this resolved
The minus tells the script to remove the categories from the loop, without it, it tells the loop to focus on only those. It is logical when you think about it.
Yeah, I agree with that. But does that mean it isn’t necessary for ‘exclude=’
Start a ticket with that…