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Hierarchy on non-standard layouts

  • @chadschulz


    I’m building a discussion board site that won’t use the standard bbpress forum interface. Forums will be embedded in individual post/pages with shortcodes. And all forum-type URLs will redirect to the appropriate post/page.

    So no one will have access to the normal forum structure/hierarchy. Will I still need to create categories/sub-categories/forums for the individual forums?

    This site may eventually have hundreds of forums and I’m looking to provide the best possible performance.

    Any help welcome, Thanks.

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  • @robkk


    dont make duplicate topics

    you probably dont have to make categories/sub-categories for each forum you are making if you are going to end up putting the forum in a post/page.

    But i have no idea why you would need to do this type of thing, why not just use bbPress or just WordPress by itself instead of redirecting one to another.



    I know of no simple way to create multiple forums with topics/replies for a site without using a pre-structured environment. I’m simply removing the “forum” look and putting each forum on it’s own WordPress styled post/page.

    Think something like what IMDB does with movies/talent–where every film/show/person gets its own discussion board.

    This way I can use bbpress’s built-in widgets and hooks to direct people to topics/replies while using WordPress menus/templates/tags to direct people to specific discussions.

    bbpress is basically a well-designed, feature-rich custom post type plugin that creates post types for topics/replies inside a forum structure. So, I’m using those custom post type functions while not using the structure.

    Oh, and sorry about the duplicate topics. I realized this question belongs more appropriately on this forum and had no way to delete the previous post that I put over on “Troubleshooting”.

    Thanks, Chad



    would this plugin help out with what you are trying to do.

    instead of embedding a forum each post , it is a topic.

    then you could use wordpress categories for each type like TV or Movies then

    their is a some settings added to the comments metabox to specify what forum you want this specific topic would be in , then it would create the topic automatically based off the current post you are creating.

    Im not sure if it does what you want to do , id say check it out and see if you can.

    you dont have to create categories for all the forums just create a couple forums like say TV and MOVIES for example then create topics for each post.



    I could simply use comments if I only wanted to create a single-threaded topic per post. I want an entire forum for each post. Users can create topics and then reply to those topics.

    I know it seems a little “big concept”. But, I really want to have engaging discussions with people on a site that encourages multiple threaded topics/discussions for every forum/post. A community sharing problems/solutions and ideas/opinions.

    I find most forums overly congested with nearly unsortable content. A giant list of disconnected ideas all piled on top of each other. Even with more aggressive hierarchies, most forums over time simply get too big to manage. By creating easily sorted/navigated single forum pages I can funnel highly specific topics through a less-congested space.

    I’m building the site from the server up to maximize performance and user-engagement.

    Thanks, Chad



    I know it seems a little “big concept”

    yes it does, all i can really say then is do your own thing.

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