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Help needed with topic issue : WPMU 2.7.1 – BBPress 1.0 A – BuddyPress RC1

  • @holdench


    I have buddypress Rc1, WPMU 2.7.1 and BBPress 1.0.6 Alpha installed and have it configured perfectly as far as I can tell.

    My problem arises on the BBPress side of things.

    1. From the Group Admin page in BuddyPress, when I create a new group and select “Enable discussion forum”, it creates the forum perfectly. Confirmed by seeing a forum with the group name associated.

    2. I post a topic to the forum using BuddyPress’ Group Forum page, it posts, but says there is an error in posting. However when I look at the forum HOMEPAGE, it shows there has been a post made.

    3. Here’s the problem : When I click on the forum that shows that they have posts, it’s empty and it shows the create new post form.

    Any help would be appreciated!


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  • @mstudios


    similar problem here. forum gets created, user names are shared, but when I try to create a topic it only comes back with the cryptic “an error occured”… – still searching for a solution.



    Was gonna suggest you visit the forums install sticky topic on but I see you’ve been there.



    after re-installing about 5 or 6 times and fiddling around I finally got it to work. if I would now only know what the secret was!

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