help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!
It looks like those links are pointing here:
a href=””
Did something change with your WordPress Address URL here?
yes… my links are pointing there… and I do not know why! And on this page:
The comment link just keeps you on the same page but adds a “/#comments” to the end of the URL? I checked Options page, and nothing has changed.. nor does it look like any of those options would change the situation? Here are my options:
Blog Title
WordPress address (URL)
Blog address (URL)
E-mail address
New User Default Role
Date Format
Week Starts On
any suggestions? thank you so much for your reply.
What is listed under WordPress address (URL) and Blog address (URL)?
Also – what code in your WordPress template are you using to generate those comment links?
WordPress address (URL) and Blog address (URL) are both set to
I fixed the “Leave a Comment” links that were linking to my forum by changing the settings in Settings>Permalinks to “default”. (It had been set to somehow.)
So the comments on my homepage actually work now… however on all my other pages, my “Leave a comment” links are still not doing anything. The comment links came built in with my “Black Splat” theme, and I tried to replace comment.php from original theme and still nothing happened.
Maybe try posting to the WordPress forums?
Unless there’s a connection to the bbPress install that I’m missing…
Thanks, I will. It was after I installed bbPress that this started to happen…
Hmm, maybe post the code to the part of the template where the problems are occurring? We can look for potential conflicts with bbPress code…
I am not sure how to determine that
Just did some research for ya – looks like this issue can be caused sometimes by problems with htaccess files:
Is it possible that when installing bbpress, the htaccess file was changed and that caused some of these issues?
But thank you for your time!
OH, let me check that out… thanks!!!
With the setup you describe, I think you have bbpress as a subfolder under your WP install, and I’m not sure that’s a good idea. But I have no proof. I always suggest having WP in a non root folder, due to htaccess weirdness.
i have all my WP contents installed in my root and also a folder called “forums” under my root… what should I do?
Ipstenu – I have always installed bbPress and WordPress together like this, without a problem:
accessible here
accessible here
Are you suggesting NOT to install it like that?
chrishajer – Not exactly.
I NEVER put WP in the root, after (in the 1.* days) it pitched a hissy fit with another web app over permalinks and htaccess. And since you can run WP out of root while having it in a subfolder, and no one can tell the difference, it works rather well.
I have this:
/var/www/example/index.php <which points to the wordpress folder>
/var/www/example/wordpress/<wordpress files>accessible here and here
accessible here
With this, once I got my auth keys in order, it worked fine. I’m not saying it can’t be done your way (and hey, if it works, leave it alone!
), I’m just saying that I’ve seen it cause more headaches.
Right, that works fine too. It wasn’t so much about bbPress but about running WordPress in a different folder than the webroot. Got it.
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15 years, 8 months ago
I flawlessly installed bbPress yesterday to have a forum to go along with my website: However, on all my posts and pages, I have a “Leave a comment” option towards the end, and it either links to my forum.. or nothing at all!! Can someone help? I just would like my comments option back.