I’m hoping someone creates a plug in for google friend connect… I’ve been trying to find a way to let anyone sign into my site. I know there is OpenID, and bbpress has an OpenID plugin thanks to _ck_, but I can’t get it to work like I want. The main issue is, I use wordpress for my registrations, and then bbpress as my login… I chose wordpress as the registration part because it’s very simple… they just have to enter their name and e-mail. And, I forget why I chose to use bbpress as the login part… haha
. Anyway, again, I’m hoping to one day find a way to let anyone login using other popular services like google and facebook and twitter.
If anyone has any ideas let me know…
I’m wondering if it is possible to allow people to login to my site using google for example, without having to mess with my user database. In other words, I know there are plugins that will allow people to register with their google account, and then behind the scenes the plugin creates a wordpress or bbpress account… I’m wondering if it is even possible to have a separate system so if someone wants to sign up for my site they can, but if they just want to log in via google, for example, they can do so without the plugin creating a new user in my database…