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Function list for v1.0 alpha one

  • Jens Wedin


    Here is a function list for the v1.0 alpha one. As the developers do not add any documentation I found this on the net. You can you this by your own if you have an older or newer version of bbPress by doing this command in the terminal (linux or mac):

    grep -oe ^function.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > functions.txt

    This idea is Tims (, I used updated his idea.

    function _bb_list_tag_item( $tag, $args )
    function _bb_parse_time_function_args( $args )
    function _bb_time_function_return( $time, $args )
    function allowed_markup( $args = '' )
    function alt_class( $key, $others = '' )
    function bb_active_theme_uri()
    function bb_admin_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_current_user_info( $key = '' )
    function bb_feed_head()
    function bb_forum()
    function bb_forum_bread_crumb( $args = '' )
    function bb_forum_class( $args = null )
    function bb_forum_dropdown( $args = '' )
    function bb_forum_pad( $pad, $offset = 0 )
    function bb_forum_posts_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_forum_topics_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_active_theme_uri()
    function bb_get_admin_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_current_user_info( $key = '' )
    function bb_get_footer()
    function bb_get_forum_bread_crumb($args = '')
    function bb_get_forum_dropdown( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_forum_is_category( $forum_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_forum_posts_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_forum_topics_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_header()
    function bb_get_location()
    function bb_get_logout_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_post_delete_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_edit_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_ip_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_time( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_posts_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_get_profile_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_stylesheet_uri( $stylesheet = '' )
    function bb_get_tag_heat_map( $tags, $args = '' )
    function bb_get_tag_link( $tag_name = 0, $page = 1 )
    function bb_get_tag_link_base()
    function bb_get_tag_name( $id = 0 )
    function bb_get_tag_page_link()
    function bb_get_tag_remove_link( $args = null )
    function bb_get_tag_rss_link( $tag_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_template( $file )
    function bb_get_theme_uri( $theme = false )
    function bb_get_title( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_close_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_delete_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_pagecount( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_topic_sticky_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topics_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_get_user_email( $id )
    function bb_get_user_id( $id = 0 )
    function bb_get_view_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_head()
    function bb_is_topic_lastpage( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_language_attributes( $xhtml = 0 )
    function bb_list_tags( $args = null )
    function bb_load_template( $file, $globals = false )
    function bb_location()
    function bb_logout_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown()
    function bb_post_admin()
    function bb_post_template()
    function bb_post_time( $args = '' )
    function bb_profile_admin_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_base_content()
    function bb_profile_data( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_data_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_profile_password_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_related_tags_heat_map( $args = '' )
    function bb_sort_tag_heat_map( &$tag_counts )
    function bb_stylesheet_uri( $stylesheet = '' )
    function bb_tag_heat_map( $args = '' )
    function bb_tag_link( $id = 0, $page = 1 )
    function bb_tag_link_base()
    function bb_tag_name( $id = 0 )
    function bb_tag_page_link()
    function bb_tag_remove_link( $args = null )
    function bb_tag_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_template_scripts()
    function bb_title( $args = '' )
    function bb_topic_admin( $args = '' )
    function bb_topic_labels()
    function bb_topic_pagecount( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_topic_search_form( $args = null, $query_obj = null )
    function edit_form()
    function favorites_link( $user_id = 0 )
    function favorites_pages()
    function favorites_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function forum_description( $args = null )
    function forum_id( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_link( $forum_id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function forum_name( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_pages( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_posts( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_topics( $forum_id = 0 )
    function full_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_allowed_markup( $args = '' )
    function get_alt_class( $key, $others = '' )
    function get_favorites_link( $user_id = 0 )
    function get_favorites_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function get_forum_description( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_id( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_link( $forum_id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_forum_name( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_parent( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_position( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_posts( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_topics( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_full_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_page_number_links($page, $total)
    function get_post_author( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_title( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_title_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_ip( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_text( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_profile_tab_link( $id = 0, $tab, $page = 1 )
    function get_topic_author( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_deleted_posts( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_id( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_last_post_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_last_poster( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_topic_posts( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function get_topic_start_time( $args = '' )
    function get_topic_time( $args = '' )
    function get_topic_title( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_delete_button()
    function get_user_display_name( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_name( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_profile_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_user_title( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_type( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_type_label( $type )
    function get_view_link( $_view = false, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_view_name( $_view = '' )
    function is_bb_admin()
    function is_bb_favorites()
    function is_bb_feed()
    function is_bb_profile()
    function is_bb_search()
    function is_bb_stats()
    function is_bb_tag()
    function is_bb_tags()
    function is_forum()
    function is_front()
    function is_topic()
    function is_view()
    function login_form()
    function manage_tags_forms()
    function new_topic( $args = null )
    function post_anchor_link( $force_full = false )
    function post_author( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_avatar( $size = '48', $default = '', $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_avatar_link( $size = '48', $default = '', $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_title( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_title_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_type( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_del_class( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_delete_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_edit_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_form( $h2 = '' )
    function post_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_ip( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_ip_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_text( $post_id = 0 )
    function profile_menu()
    function profile_pages()
    function profile_tab_link( $id = 0, $tab, $page = 1 )
    function search_form( $q = '' )
    function tag_form( $args = null )
    function tag_pages()
    function topic_author( $id = 0 )
    function topic_class( $class = '', $key = 'topic', $id = 0 )
    function topic_close_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_delete_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_id( $id = 0 )
    function topic_last_post_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_last_poster( $id = 0 )
    function topic_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function topic_move_dropdown( $id = 0 )
    function topic_noreply( $title )
    function topic_pages( $id = 0 )
    function topic_pages_add( $id = 0 )
    function topic_posts( $id = 0 )
    function topic_posts_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function topic_show_all_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_start_time( $args = '' )
    function topic_sticky_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_tags()
    function topic_time( $args = '' )
    function topic_title( $id = 0 )
    function user_delete_button()
    function user_favorites_link($add = array(), $rem = array(), $user_id = 0)
    function user_link( $id = 0 )
    function user_profile_link( $id = 0 , $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function user_title( $id = 0 )
    function user_type( $id = 0 )
    function user_type_label( $type )
    function view_link( $_view = false, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function view_name( $view = '' ) { // Filtration should be done at bb_register_view()
    function view_pages()

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  • _ck_


    Nice list but I’ve always found function lists fairly useless, though I guess if you have zero experience with how bbPress or WordPress works, they can give you a starting point with something to browse through.

    What really helps is a trace of how functions flow when a page is loaded and what files they are located in.

    I have an experimental version of bb-benchmark that does something like this using a trace feature from WordPress 2.6 but it’s not available for public use yet.

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