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Full Width Problem with page.php

  • @svend-rugaard


    I have this theme from ThemeFuse called GameZone, and every changes i have made since the original i usually have fix by my self somehow, but the other day i was tired of PHPBB and converted and move it over completly to BBPress, and it work as is should i got some of the css fix so its almost as ret of the page, the only problem is i found out even i use the themes own “widget” deattachtment for pages i need to be with out side bars Like Guides etc.

    Then the BBPress have put my finish touch on hold for the last 36 hrs and i am really irritated over it , because why should a thing i literally find 100 of topics about this problem. Reeally think it is weird there isnt being any solution implented as part of bbpress.

    Anyway my forum here is correct size in the “front-page”

    1. Frontpage :
    2. Sub-page :

    As yoy see the sub-page dont have full width even i have remove made a page.php and copy it over to my child theme and rename it to bbpress.php and remmove

    <?php get_sidebar();?>

    This is mention alot of places and everything there is sidebar related, but i can really not figure out what because no matter what i remove it either remove background completly or remove the sites build up. And i have made a Page for it and use the shortcode. – Still nothing – Hope someone can help. I actually change to bbpress because i though the hardest part would actually import everything from PHPBB

    here is my code as it is now

    global $is_tf_blog_page,$post;
    $id_post = $post->ID; 
    if(tfuse_options('blog_page') != 0 && $id_post == tfuse_options('blog_page')) $is_tf_blog_page = true;
    if ($is_tf_blog_page) die(); 
    <?php $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position(); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('before');?>
    <div class="main-row content-row">
        <div class="container">
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'left') : ?>
               <div class="middle-main sidebar-left">
            <?php endif;?>
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'right') : ?>
                <div class="middle-main content-cols2">
            <?php endif;?>
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'full') : ?>
                <div class="middle-main content-full">
            <?php endif; ?> 
                        <div id="primary" class="content-area">
                            <div class="inner">
                                <article class="post post-details">
                                    <?php if(!tfuse_page_options('hide_title')):?>
                                        <header class="entry-header">
                                            <h1 class="entry-title"><?php echo get_the_title();?></h1>
                                    <?php endif;?>
                                    <div class="entry-content">
                                        <?php  while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
                                            <?php the_content(); ?>
                                        <?php break; endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
                                <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
                                    <?php tfuse_comments(); ?>
                                <?php endif;?>
                    <?php if (($sidebar_position == 'right') || ($sidebar_position == 'left')) : ?>
                        <div id="secondary" class="sidebar widget-area">
                            <div class="inner">
                    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('after'); ?>
    <?php get_footer();?>
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  • @robin-w


    I think your theme is causing this. Unfortunately many theme authors wrap the various sidebar options into one page.php file nowadays. It gives theme flexibility, but doesn’t help andyone with custom post types such as bbpress. I’ve taken a look and try amending the bbpress.php to

    global $is_tf_blog_page,$post;
    $id_post = $post->ID; 
    if(tfuse_options('blog_page') != 0 && $id_post == tfuse_options('blog_page')) $is_tf_blog_page = true;
    if ($is_tf_blog_page) die(); 
    <?php $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position(); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('before');?>
    <div class="main-row content-row">
        <div class="container">
             <div class="middle-main content-full">
                     <div id="primary" class="content-area">
                            <div class="inner">
                                <article class="post post-details">
                                    <?php if(!tfuse_page_options('hide_title')):?>
                                        <header class="entry-header">
                                            <h1 class="entry-title"><?php echo get_the_title();?></h1>
                                    <?php endif;?>
                                    <div class="entry-content">
                                        <?php  while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
                                            <?php the_content(); ?>
                                        <?php break; endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
                                <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
                                    <?php tfuse_comments(); ?>
                                <?php endif;?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('after'); ?>
    <?php get_footer();?>

    which takes out all the stuff relating to sidebars.

    Come back if that doesn’t work or errors



    You Sir ! You are a damn genius , it is working 🙂 Thank you VERY much



    No problem, glad I could help !



    But now i just need to finish the styling with that styling plugin someone have make it is making styling of the board almost unlimited.and next is BuddyPress but first i need to make people get use to this new forum when i put it online.



    Maybe you can tell me how im gonna remove that “Archive” from the title bar its weird it is using Archive as title for site



    Maybe you can tell me how im gonna remove that “Archive” from the title bar its weird it is using Archive as title for site

    I can’t see where that is – can you post a url to a page with an example



    I know what he means,


    the title of the main forum, it is “Archive – site name” by default.

    I do not know also how change it.




    you can customize the title tag of your site using a seo plugin, there should be options to have a custom title for custom post type archives.



    actually it should be activated because the theme has it coded in and i have change it on other types og posts, game archives etc , but i found the “archive” was actually blank with note keyword

    so i try to se ikke i use the same i use for game info is gonna work.

    %%title%% | %%category_description%%



    @davidnsfw – as with @svend-rugaard I can’t see where that is – can you post a url to a page with an example and tell me whjere this is displayed – I can’t see the word ‘archive’

    come back when you have tested



    Now it just give my the seperator code but you can see it on a random pages wit 404 but see as in this random created page it is showing correct name in the browser top –

    but now i actually manage to get the archive remove but doesent show “Debat” as it should be but i think its som tag / slugs i have mess up in the backbone of the theme, i fix it nothing to do with this topic i think but i was just wondering it only was the forum there do it.

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