Check your time zone in config.php… fixed it for me!
thanks nolageek. I’ve actually had that part correct. After messing around, now only one topic is like that. The other is fine.
In fact the default topic that was made called “Your first topic” portrays the correct “freshness”. All new topics give the -1 year weirdness. I’ll keep tinkering.
I’m having this same problem – little bit of patience/debugging shows that it stops reading “-1 years” after some time and starts behaving normally, but the time is still incorrect (off by some hours)
looks like this is already being discussed – the time zone isyour server time, not yours. the two may be different. My server is in California while I like on the east coast… i had to set it to -7.
Yeah, this morning the times were reading normally. But as soon as I reply to the topic it returns to -1 year. heh..
I don’t think my problem is related to my server as the times on posts and such are correct. Thanks for the link, I’ll go read it.
Ok, well that fixed the -1 year “freshness” problem. Now the post times are incorrect by 1hour.
I’m in -5 gmt timezone and my server is in -6gmt timezone.
One issue fixed and another created.
I seem to remember having this problem with WordPress a loooooooong time ago. Like pre 1.0 ago. Can’t remember how that was dealt with.
Anyway, I’ll keep tinkering until I figure it out. Thanks for the help, AphelionZ.
The usual config.php solution is not helping. There must be another way. Please guys, this is a serious problem. The code authors should take a look at this. It’s already driving many of us crazy.
I don’t know why, but my bbPress wouldn’t get the right time either. Keep playing with the timezone (+ or -) until a recent post has the right time. That will fix it in the shortrun. I am mountain (-7) and had to use Atlantic (-3) for it to work. The config.php file takes the timezone not that of the poster, but rather the timezone of the server it lies in. That is why you must play with it.
Sorry, one more thing. I post on a forum in Russia and because I am ‘quote unquote’ posting into the future, it shows up as -1 year until that post timestamp catches up to the server time. It is about 9 hours before it shows up as a current post.
Well OK. I am embarrassed to admit that it was my mistake. I have two different servers one in Germany and one in the US. I just mixed them up, I thought I was dealing with the Germany server.
So I guess the time zone fiddling IS really the one and only solution to this and there is no bug in the code.