Forums Not Cooperating with WishList Setting and Page!
I want my forms to only be visible to a certain membership level, and I am using the Member Wishlist Plugin.
Everytime I select the box asking to protect the content for a certain membership level, and then i select the one it should be available to, and then click save – NOTHING HAPPENS! It keeps returning to a default of some kind – making the it unprotected and not for any specific membership level.
I am really frustrated. Those options are working for everything else, just not the forum.
I am a newbie at all of this – I can’t seem to figure out how to put the forums into a specific PAGE so that I can include it on a customized menu.
Can some please help me out here 🙂
I am using a GENESIS framework, with child theme “landscape” – using the latest version of bbPress, and my website is
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