Log out of WordPress and then access bbPress and log in there. You might also have to clear your cookies.
More explanation:
If you have logged in from WP side and then on bbPress side, it shows you as admin but it will throw you back on the front page then its a known issue.
Read this – https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/cant-access-the-dashboard
I had this issue (with single user however) and it turned out I was missing the WordPress plugin for bbPress integration.
Good to see you back 
Regarding the plugin, AFAIK the plugin does only tell you the lines you need to add in config file for cookie permissions. The plugin is not needed afterwards. Correct me if I am wrong.
Seems so actually, so it might well be unnecessary with the linked tutorial. Haven’t got time at the moment to confirm though unfortunately.
This issue can be solved by the bbPress integration plugin for WordPress. Keep the plugin activated, it generates the required cookies on WordPress authentication hooks which otherwise are not created for accessing bbPress dashboard (or admin panel)
P.S. – I actually looked at the plugin’s code today!