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Forum, Topics, and Replies missing for other users

  • @softwired


    I’ve searched but not found a solution. I’m running the current version of WordPress on a multisite network with a new install of bbPress.

    I’m the superadmin of the network and everything works great. However, when I try to give access to another user and give that user a keymaster role the links in the admin bar for Forums, Topics, and Replies is missing.

    So far I’ve tried running the repair tool with no change. I can even access the tools with the login that doesn’t show the admin bar links. The forum is located here:

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  • @softwired


    I’ve still not found a solution to this problem. I can set up a user as a keymaster/administrator and when I log in the custom post type for Forum isn’t there. It’s only there for the network administrator.

    Is there a network setting somewhere where it won’t allow access to the forums for administrators of each individual site?



    This might be normal behavior, I will test it out though.



    Thanks Robkk. It seems as though since bbPress is supposed to be compatible with multi-site that it should be able to have local admins for each blog.

    I appreciate your input.

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