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Forum & Thread Titles Duplicated

  • @fmckinnon


    Hey Gang,
    Not sure if this is a setting, or an issue with our GrandMag theme (BuddyPress/bbPress theme).
    Take a look at our forums at:

    If you click around, you’ll see that a forum title appears twice:
    Once in the regular black font, then underneath it in a blue font.

    Same thing with EVERY forum thread:
    Getting Aquainted – Introductions (in black)
    Getting Aquainted – Introductions (in blue)

    Any clue where this is coming from?

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  • @robin-w


    Yes, one is from your theme, and one from bbpress.

    which one do you want to lose?




    Thanks for the quick reply. Which one is the blue, and which is the black? I think the blue looks better, but it would help us to know where each is coming from … thanks for your input.



    @robin-w just making sure you saw my reply – would love the assistance.



    Sorry, been busy with other things – thanks for the reminder.

    Having taken a second look, I think boith are coming form your theme, not bbpress.

    I can’t hide the first one, as it is also used by other post enturies on the site, so suggest you lose the blue one, for which you need to put the following in your style.css


    Forum & Thread Titles Duplicated

    .entry h1 {
        visibility: hidden !important;

    You might need to check that this doesn’t affect anything else – I can’t see that it did – worse case is that you would not see a blue title, so if you have any others in the site this might affect them.



    Thanks @robin-w much appreciated. I think I’ll notify the template creator as well.



    @robin-w while you’re in there, can you take a look at the other issue we’re having, which is how to:
    1: make the sub-forums NOT display thread/reply count, and NOT be listed horizontally, comma separated, but rather, be listed vertically, in a list
    2: look at the a few of the forums that are parent forums to groups (ie. Songwriting forum). For some reason, any forum that is a parent forum to a Buddypress group has the right sidebar pushed down to the bottom, even though the content area for the threads doesn’t appear to be any wider?



    1. Use mu plugin to alter
    2. This is a css issue which I am not the person to fix !

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